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How far would the noise carry!

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I know nothing about guns so thought I would ask. last night about midnight, maybe a bit latter. There were two very loud bangs. I would say they were close but not sure how far the sound carries, as it was a quiet calm night. It was loud enough that two of the dogs were scared and the saluki was in a state most of the night! The land where I live is private and there is no shooting allowed! There has been a guy going about for the last couple of weeks on a quad bike coming right down to my gate. The land owner has been trying to get him to find out what he is up to! So I was just wondering how loud the shots would be and could we still hear them that loud if the person was a distance away? A few of my neighbours popped their head out their door to see what was happening?

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Spookster, what sort of terrain is the ground there?

The noise of a gun would carry a fair distance in the dead on night and with no wind, it would carry even more if the wind was blowing in your direction. If the bangs were very loud then I would suggest they are quite close to you but it depends on the terrain, the gun(if it was a gun), and the direction the shot was fired. Were the bangs in quick succession or one followed by a pause and then another.



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if the shot's frightened your dog then i would say they were very close,i hear gunshots most nights when im not out and can usually tell where the shots are coming from,bearing in mind it always sounds louder at night,maybe the guy on the quad is the culprit

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At around, and just after sunset, there is sometimes a rather strange stillness. A loud gun (Shotgun/Certrefire) report could easily carry 5 miles at this time, and depending on the terrain and any wind this could be further!

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Here is a picture from my back gate


there are loads of fox and deer around, but there isn't anything around that the fox would be damaging?

The land owner has been approached by people to ask permission to shot, they have been told no as it just isn't suitable where it is. A lot of people wonder around the woods as it is near a holiday spot!

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At around, and just after sunset, there is sometimes a rather strange stillness. A loud gun (Shotgun/Certrefire) report could easily carry 5 miles at this time, and depending on the terrain and any wind this could be further!


Thanks it was after midnight and it was a very still quiet night!

last year, about 3pm someone shot a pheasant that landed dead in my drive :thumbdown:

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if the shot had your neighbours out,and it frightened your dog then that tells me it was close and it was probably a poacher(maybe the guy with the quad?)

when a farmer/landowner turns people away,then a percentage of idiots will go back after dark anyway

gunshot noise does travel miles on the right night tho,but it wouldnt scare your dog if it travelled 3 or more miles would it?

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