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I have a 18 month old little springer, she is very little but VERY strong, I cant stop her pulling me everywhere on the lead.

She will walk nicely off lead but when I want her on lead for obviouse reasons she pulls like a husky dog.


Can anyone help me or suggest somthing?


please dont come up with (like my neighbor did) the idea of me yanking her back so that she comes off her feet,

(would love to be able to but I am not a bloke and I find it physically impossible) :D Lol





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Firstly I would get a halti. They are very good for this problem and give you back far more control. They are not cruel.


Secondly, I would fill your pockets with treats and find a quiet, non-distracting area with no other dogs.


Right, have the dog on your left - always - this is because if you lead on a road, you are between the animal and traffic. Now, just walk off, do not look down, and see what the dog does. If you don't have the dog's attention, ask for it? Say the dogs name and then "this way" and walk. If the dog walks nicely give praise, if not be stern. I would use "ahem" barked like a sargeant major and then "walk on" and use my strength to keep the dog walking by my right ankle, and not pulling. If the dog does this, give treat. Change direction alot, saying "this way" and if the dog is dragging, go back to getting the dog's attention. If you haven't got its attention, it is not going to do anything for you.


When the dog is walking nicely beside you, thinking about you and working with you, then you can try going places. But keep the dog's attention and remember you are not asking for rocket science just good manners. If you are not consistent and asking for this, the dog won't see the point as there are far more interesting things out there.


I hope I have explained this ok and that you understand. In my head (and in real life) it works fine, but there are sure to be others with different methods. You may have to get cross once if the dog keeps taking the piss.


Oh yes, don't overpraise - don't gush - just say "good boy/girl" and move off again. Don't disintegrate into a thanking person to the dog. You are the leader. You expect good behaviour, it will happen. Get tough with yourself and be consistent. If others are leading this dog about, get them to watch you so they can do the same things.


Good luck


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Thanks for your help, I have got a halti for her now and it works really well but as soon

as she is off it she pulls again.


She has one other problem is that she is fussy and NOT food orentated.


Thanks, I will be trying out your suggestions and soon as I hyave a college free day..:)

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When your on a walk have a walking stick with you and when ever you pup tries to pull just put the stick in front of the pup and say "Back". It will soon get used to it slowly start to use the stick less and less and hopefully the pup should start listening to back when on and off the lead!


Good luck hope this helps



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If you are using a regular collar take the leash down her back, bring it under and around her waist and then under the leash at her back. Successfully completing a loop. If she tries to pull she will succeed in lifting her back end off of the ground or put a bit of squeeze on her. This worked like a charm for my pulling Lakie.

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Those who've gone before have given good advice .Pignuts' "don't be afraid of being firm " to gain the dogs' attention is very good advice.I'd add ,don't ever be too embarrised to tell your dog off in public or it will learn to take the micky when there are people around . Another tip is to walk the pup alongside a wall in such a way as it can't squeeze in front of you. You admit that you hav'nt the strength to physically control the pup and you can bet your life the dog realises this. I know she is considered a bit un-PC but some of old Barbara Woodhouse's stuff is worth a read for this sort of problem. Good luck.

Edited by comanche
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