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why we hunt

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i'll start my family have always been into dogs its like way of life even that i dont have to hunt for food anymore i still do i was wondering what makes everyone else start becouse once you start you cant stop its addictive

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there as always been dog around the house ever since i can remember and thats family houses too


everything from lurchers terriers spanials even the odd mongral has had a place in front of the fire


my uncles and great uncles grandperants all had dogs to do jobs with them game keeping even night watch men on big ests


i can all way remember my uncles dog mick a airdale deerhound greyhound now that was a dog and some thats back in the early 70s


my first was a terrier called patch and i was only 4 when my uncle turned up with him and a bang on ratting terrier (and hamster dog) but thats another story


my mother who is well in to her 70s told the mrs when she first saw her watch him he will have anything that shits and makes a mess (tryed to change me but never worked) :victory::victory::victory:

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I think it must be a feckin Drug, i think lamping is addictive. :victory: Iam 55 :thumbdown:and iam

still as keen now, as when i was a kid :victory: Plus i think lurchers any x are the best dogs

in world :victory:



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Guest manda
I think it must be a feckin Drug, i think lamping is addictive. :victory: Iam 55 :thumbdown:and iam

still as keen now, as when i was a kid :victory: Plus i think lurchers any x are the best dogs

in world :victory:






i never really thought about lurchers i just thought they were skinny shy things that aint good for nowt, untill i moved next door to a lad who had lurchers, so went out with him one night and that was it i was hooked!! i always used to have huskys, rotties etc. but the way i see it now if it dont graft its not staying in my pen signing on the dole :D lurchers make awsome pets also :thumbs:

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:clapper: I agree with bird its like a drug i ve been hunting for as long as i can remember and it never gets dull or boring and i can never see me ever giving it up.

I think it must be a feckin Drug, i think lamping is addictive. :victory: Iam 55 :thumbdown:and iam

still as keen now, as when i was a kid :victory: Plus i think lurchers any x are the best dogs

in world :victory:



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I know how I got started..... but I've never figured out why I started.....??


I've ponderd this a bit over the years..... what makes some people love to hunt, with others indifferent and some a loathing to it??


The 'rush inside' from the chase, the addiction to the game...... seems to come from somewhere deep.......?


Was it from something seen, or, did it come from way back......the way we are bred....... our ancestry......?


Is it consistant with generations (my fathers side hunted) or does it slumber and re-emerge........ I have two brothers, one indifferent and one loathes......?


Anyways, enough of my 'vino' soaked saturday night rambling shite......! :icon_redface:


Bird, brilliant :clapper: That says it all!!!

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I reckon its in the genes: my dad hunted, rough shooter, my mum didn't and neither does my sister: no interest at all. The only thing that pisses me off about getting older and wiser (? LOL) is that the body can't do what it used to. :angry2: I always say that even if I have to crawl I'll still be out watching my dogs work: like has already been said: that bond with your dog: the ultimate predator catching and bringing that catch back to you: its a special kind of feeling.

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I agree,its in the blood.I have been hunting etc since i was about 9 yrs old,always wanted to be out with my old air rifle,trying for a rabbit or wood pigeon,and still can remember the adrenaline rush of actually potting one! These days,its very similar,out with the rifle for foxes,i still get a buzz when one comes galloping up the field to the response of my caller.My biggest passion though,has,and always will be,my dogs.Its an age old past time of using dogs to hunt,and you will never rid genuine hunters of that,ban or no ban,..... hunting will be here for ever.

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