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New Dogs

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I'm working with my young dog. He came to me at 10 months old and he's now 17 months and we are making good progress. He's definitely not gunshy and will go through thick cover confidently. He will jump on command and will sit and wait on the other side. All I'm after with him is a dog I can take beating with me - nothing more. He's also learnt to follow hand signals and whistle, so I walk in a line and send him out either side and turn him.


We are gradually moving the training out to incorporate more distractions - other dogs / livestock etc. and it's coming on slowly but surely (or so I thought) My idea has always been never to move up a step until I'm 100% sure we're okay where we are (if that makes sense) and I try never to repeat a command.


I'm aware we have a long way to go, but I'm getting worried about September - I'd prefer to keep him on a lead the first couple of drives at least and just see how he goes as there will hopefully be pheasants everywhere and I don't see how I can actually replicate the excitement and noise in summer training. It seems whatever I do - it will be a big leap for the dog to make - do I just grit my teeth and go for it?! - and focus on getting him out and about as much as possible over teh next few months?

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If you think he's ready then you should try him. If he lets you down then it's back on the rope and some more training. So long as you're happy with stopping him and recall you shouldn't go too far wrong and if he'll heel and stay close then that's all the better.


So long as you dont let him away with bad habits you should be fine :thumbs:

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Just make sure your stop whistle is 100% and I mean 100%. Then take him and do one or two drives and then back in the car for the rest of the day. It is always those who do too much that come unstuck when the dog is young. Nice and easy is the way to have a dog you can be proud of for the rest of his life.

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