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I am in two minds. I have not had my FAC long and I am due to put it in, in a few months to have to supervision condition taken off for my centrefire.

I have acquired a few pieces of permission which are close to habitation and others which I would like to leave fairly quiet as they are full( and I mean FULL!) of wild Pheasants which are breeding.

My question is, should I put in for a .22 LR and Mod so that a) I dont disturb the neighbours and b.) so that I can wreak silent havok on the crows and magpies. I have a .17 HMR which is too noisy so this seems the logical way to go.

Do you think they will increase the amount of rifles I can have even though I will only have had the FAC six months.

I would be grateful for your opinions.



Edited by sportingshooter06
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I am in two minds. I have not had my FAC long and I am due to put it in, in a few months to have to supervision condition taken off for my centrefire.

I have acquired a few pieces of permission which are close to habitation and others which I would like to leave fairly quiet as they are full( and I mean FULL!) of wild Pheasants which are breeding.

My question is, should I put in for a .22 LR and Mod so that a) I dont disturb the neighbours and B) so that I can wreak silent havok on the crows and magpies. I have a .17 HMR which is too noisy so this seems the logical way to go.

Do you think they will increase the amount of rifles I can have even though I will only have had the FAC six months.

I would be grateful for your opinions.



i think you cant go wrong with a .22 i have a brno bolt action and honestly i would be lost without it i use it for crows rabbits and even the odd fox i got a bit of ground for shooting i shot 15 rabbits in a garden and 1 field they can drop a rabbit at a fair distance as well good fun


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I am in two minds. I have not had my FAC long and I am due to put it in, in a few months to have to supervision condition taken off for my centrefire.

I have acquired a few pieces of permission which are close to habitation and others which I would like to leave fairly quiet as they are full( and I mean FULL!) of wild Pheasants which are breeding.

My question is, should I put in for a .22 LR and Mod so that a) I dont disturb the neighbours and B) so that I can wreak silent havok on the crows and magpies. I have a .17 HMR which is too noisy so this seems the logical way to go.

Do you think they will increase the amount of rifles I can have even though I will only have had the FAC six months.

I would be grateful for your opinions.





Hi SS with your centrefire and .17HMR you will have no problem getting a variation to add a .22LR & Mod its only 2 extra slots if i were you i would go for it

were i shoot the .22LR with Mod is a god send as we are close to the farm house and a pack of hounds so it saves upsetting them



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Thank you for your replies,

It seemed the most logical next step, I should have put in for it on first grant but I didnt want to push things.

Unless I go into deer within the next five years, this is likely to be the only change to my ticket.

I will get the forms ready and apply for 2000 rounds to keep and 1000 to buy, I have 1000 to buy and 2000 to keep for the .17HMR and 500 to buy and 750 to keep for the .222.

The major reason is the silent nature of it with a mod and subs. Fingers crossed. :victory:


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Thank you for your replies,

It seemed the most logical next step, I should have put in for it on first grant but I didnt want to push things.

Unless I go into deer within the next five years, this is likely to be the only change to my ticket.

I will get the forms ready and apply for 2000 rounds to keep and 1000 to buy, I have 1000 to buy and 2000 to keep for the .17HMR and 500 to buy and 750 to keep for the .222.

The major reason is the silent nature of it with a mod and subs. Fingers crossed. :victory:


You will not have a problem getting the .22 but i would drop the ammunition requirement slightly as they sometimes are fussy over the "hold and buy " scenario...........go for a lesser amount.



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I have the same amount for the other rimfire so I thought it would be OK. If you really think that I would be better applying for less then I will.


If you are on good terms with your firearms officer i would run it past him first.............to double check....maybe you will be ok............i know they were a bit funny when i did mine.

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I am lucky in three respects,

I know my FEO very well I have shot with him for a few years now since I had my SGC,

He only lives 5mins from me and is a very knowledgeable man to know, not necessarily about firearms law mind you but other things such as reloading and rifle shooting, he has aroun 50 in his collection.

He also gave me 750 and 2000 for the .222 and .17HMR respectively. I will certainly honour your advice and ask him first.

I hope there will be no problem, My police force are quite good, they did my FAC in six weeks so I am lucky, I know some would kill for 6 months let alone weeks.



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I am lucky in three respects,

I know my FEO very well I have shot with him for a few years now since I had my SGC,

He only lives 5mins from me and is a very knowledgeable man to know, not necessarily about firearms law mind you but other things such as reloading and rifle shooting, he has aroun 50 in his collection.

He also gave me 750 and 2000 for the .222 and .17HMR respectively. I will certainly honour your advice and ask him first.

I hope there will be no problem, My police force are quite good, they did my FAC in six weeks so I am lucky, I know some would kill for 6 months let alone weeks.



You have a good relationship with your Firearms Officer.......as indeed i do..........can't see there being a problem, as always go along with what they advise........Good Luck.



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SS.. Dont think you would have a problem getting a variation for a .22lr, but because you have only had your ticket for a short while i am assuming that you are at the moment shooting on ground that has been assesed for your use, therefore if your ticket is not "open condition", any new ground you obtain would have to assesed by the police for suitability( if not already done). In my experience open condition certificates are not normally issued untill at least 18 months of experiece of handling fire arms.. :victory:

you have probably thought about this already but just incase!!!! take care

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SS.. Dont think you would have a problem getting a variation for a .22lr, but because you have only had your ticket for a short while i am assuming that you are at the moment shooting on ground that has been assesed for your use, therefore if your ticket is not "open condition", any new ground you obtain would have to assesed by the police for suitability( if not already done). In my experience open condition certificates are not normally issued untill at least 18 months of experiece of handling fire arms.. :victory:

you have probably thought about this already but just incase!!!! take care

Hi Keith,

When I acquired the ground the first thing I did was to ring my Firearms Dept to see if I could use my other rifles there and luckily they are both passed to .243.

This time it will only be to get the supervision condition taken off and hopefully a .22LR put on. I will apply in a few years to have an open certificate. I have been making notes on the amount of opportunities I have had to turn down, many in other police force duristictions and so I should have a good case for an open in a few years.

Thanks Again


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