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My bull grey pup whilst playing in the garden has managed to hurt himself he will not put weight on his front leg. i have found a small cut above his pads thinking this may be the problem.

i have bathed it in salt water and put some antiseptic cream on it ~(human stuff) will this be sufficient??any help grateful

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I use sudocrem if any of mine cut themselves but if he's not putting weight on it make sure there is nothing like a thorn or anything in the cut if you haven't already.


Griff cut his pad the other day and wouldn't put weight on it for about 5 minutes until he found something interesting and then he forgot all about it! :laugh:

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You may have to cover it up as some dogs will lick sudocrem etc off.


If he's still not putting weight on it and you can't find anything in the cut a poultice might help draw out anything nasty.

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