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A few years back I used to ferret the rabbits on two fields that belonged to an elderly gent.I hit them fairly hard,infact too hard so in the end it wasn't worth doing.I was only getting 1 or 2 every time I went.


I was passing the fields tonight with the air rifle in the back of the car and decided to call in at the house and ask if there was much going about.The old man had passed away but his wife was more than pleased to see me.


"I hope you've brought your gun," she said as the rabbits had made a comeback, she was also keen for me to shoot as many pigeons as I could. Infact when we were standing in her garden talking there were a few pigeons flapping about in the trees.


She left me to have a mooch about and told me to let her know how I got on. I decided to try for the pigeons to start off and stayed in the garden,as expected they act differently when someones got a gun in their hands. I was drawing a blank trying to stalk them so I got settled down beside one of the hedges in the hope that they would come to me.


Five minutes later one clattered down into an oak tree about 55 yards away.I could just make it as it bobbed up and down on a thin branch,partly obscured by young leaves.The hedge made a natural screen for me to crawl along to get nearer to the Woodie.


It seemed to take an age but eventually I was within 35 yards,then it was just a case of waiting for the bird to show itself.When it did I pulled the trigger and the Pigeon was soon plummeting groundwards.


Next it was time to have a walk round the two fields,the old lady was right,the rabbits were back in numbers.When I had 5 in the bag it was starting to get dark so I headed back up to the house.


When I let the lady know how I got on she was extremely pleased and told me to come back any time I wanted.



Sorry about the poor quality of the pic. :icon_redface:


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