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telford game & country fair

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  davyt63 said:

just thought i would ask

if any one is going to the event i here they have a good airgun section there.





thats the midland game fair,3rd week of september,really good air gun section,good show all round

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lowther game fair........about july/august time. just south of penrith.............quite expensive to get in but its big and plenty there.......demo's and shows etc..............i'll be there.(again).


usually have a go in the casting comp......and get shown up by the youngsters....but its the taking part.............so they say....Mmmmmmmmm.(lol)




worth a look mate.

Edited by SEAN3513
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  willrennyferreter said:
i live in telford and i havent even heard anything about it :S when is it?

hi will

it wasn't a game fair got it wrong it was the falconry fair.

just got back its worth a look £ 10.00 for adults & £ 4.00 for kids .good day out its on tomorrow

some big birds of prey there ,check it out people



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Did anyone go to the Midland last year?


If so how was it?


We started boycotting it after the quality declined. Been going to it a few years too.


Last time we went it was more like a car boot sale than a game fair. Deals on hunting gear and paraphernalia were non-existent but if you wanted patio furniture, crap tools, cheap plastic toys, and £4 for a burger then it's ideal.


Lowther was much better but patio pedlars were more frequent than previous years.

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