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agreed depending on the work and terrain i suppose. my two are all terrain dogs and i've never had an issue with their dew claws. but i've never had an issue with any dew claws on any of my past dogs. the closest i came to that was double dew claws on the hind legs of a dobermanXaussieXpitbull.... he was always working cattle or bringing in the horses at the ranch... but he was never injured while working. no.... the injury came when the VET didnt look to see how far the quick went down the nail - which was all the way - he just cut the nail and my dog bled for days and wouldnt let anyone go near his feet after that. that was his first vet visit and i never trimmed his nails since then. didnt have to...



but it depends on your plans for the pups and what you want to deal with now or in the future.


some people make me laugh on this subject. some will totally oppose ear cropping or tail docking, but they love removing the dew claws. same reason "what if it gets ripped off?" ...... as if ears and tails dont get ripped off or broken? i knew a one eared pit bull that lost one when his brother snatched it off.... and how many of you guys in here have dogs that break their own tails from wagging them too hard?

but SOME people oppose removing the dew claws because it can cause damage to the feet or tendons if its not done right.


its a personal preference and a gamble for sure. i'm not for or against it. i think circumstances apply to each situation.

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definatly have them removed , when they are only hours old , save a lot of time later in life , when they rip the nails off , and have to be off for about 4 weeks , so , def , have them off

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I've had dogs with and dogs without and so far have had no problems either way, touch wood. When I bought my first lurcher somebody pointed out to me that cheetahs use their dewclaws to help trip prey up but conversely dingos don't have dewclaws and they seem to manage fine without them.

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deffo of id say they dont know any better in the first few days plus its just a matter of time till one rips one especialy running dogs seen umptean greyhounds nead to have them done also seen boys weight till they heal then they just rip open againe soon as they start running i would take them of any dog i bread .

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