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Above is a pic of the two culprits, the red bitch {the injured one} and the rough coated pup {7 month}


I thought it was time the pup had a chance to hunt up a few bunnies, so off we went for an early morning walk on some permission i have, as expected their were a few rabbits sitting out and the pup managed to get in a couple of short runs that my older bitch had guided him to,

Then the older bitch spotted a rabbit sitting a good way out whilst i was busy with the pup,

She put a good couple of turns on it and was right on its tail as it was nearing the hedge,

As she put in a dive for it i heard the thud :doh: followed by a bit of a yip :cry:

The seconds later out the hedge she comes "still looking for the rabbit" having opened up an old wound on her face and looking a right mess,

when i looked where she`d dived into the hedge it looks as though she`d caught some barbed wire abovethe hole the rabbit had escaped too and left her needing a fair few stitches,


The Moral of this tale is Get your Dog insured caos i`me bleedin glad she is with a bill like this, :o:o:o:o




Yis Mars.

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