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Brenneke Shot for 410

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If you want to own useable Slugs in the UK you must have them as a condition on a Firearms Certificate, you can, as with any other ammunition buy components for the loading of shotgun ammunition without a licence but you may not own assembled slugs without the relevant condition. Whether the .410 slug has enough power to drop a wild boar each time I find also questionable, the 12 bore slug would be an improvement a rifle even better.

The majority of police forces are very reluctant to grant slugs as they are so lethal. I have shot .410 slugs on a range in the USA for targets. Winchester make these as do other American manufacturers.

Hope this clarifies a few things


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If you want to own useable Slugs in the UK you must have them as a condition on a Firearms Certificate, you can, as with any other ammunition buy components for the loading of shotgun ammunition without a licence but you may not own assembled slugs without the relevant condition. Whether the .410 slug has enough power to drop a wild boar each time I find also questionable, the 12 bore slug would be an improvement a rifle even better.

The majority of police forces are very reluctant to grant slugs as they are so lethal. I have shot .410 slugs on a range in the USA for targets. Winchester make these as do other American manufacturers.

Hope this clarifies a few things



Hi SS06. I have used 410 slugs also in the U.S. when I lived there but that was 12 years ago. They came from the 'Rocky Mountain Cartridge Company' and I have used them for Boar (you have to be close) I didn't know they were classed here as firearms ammunition.

By the way, SS, I got the Carburettor Cleaner and did the Barrels on my Belgian folder. I will let you know how it turns out.


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