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Would anyone like to join this debate

Guest Nigel

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There is a debate started over on the Wildaboutbritain forums. It concerns the badger cull debate.this link leads to the debate. I decided to play devils advocate and put the opposing view. If anyone would like to join the debate and add their comments please do.

I'm sure I'm in the minority on the other forum but I know you guys here understand the countryside and the badger culling debate for what it really is.

All views are welcome.




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I have a serious problem with those DEFRA arseholes.They are a bunch of narrow minded pricks that actually know f**k all.Bunch of trouble causing c**ts that dont have a clue how to manage our country side :realmad: :realmad:

I agree!

Don't know what the problem with badgers is,it's all there in black & white! :p

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Nigel- That other forum is at the furthest end of the scale to us as Im sure you agree.One of the twats speaks of badgers being in decline.Obviously not a night walker!These people who say that man has no need to control any species dont seem to realise that either directly or indirectly we manage every living thing .My granddad tells me of a time when tb was almost unheard of and its no coinsidence that this was a time when the badger was not protected.The spread of tb seems to be in direct relationship to the increase of badgers.Commen sense says lets have widespread cull,not extermination,and see what happens to tb.

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seems wrong tho that people have being sent to prison or heavily fined,dogs taken and banned from keeping dogs. then its ok for defra to do it! were is the justice in it? just sums this country up. :realmad:

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Nigel- That other forum is at the furthest end of the scale to us as Im sure you agree.One of the twats speaks of badgers being in decline.Obviously not a night walker!These people who say that man has no need to control any species dont seem to realise that either directly or indirectly we manage every living thing .My granddad tells me of a time when tb was almost unheard of and its no coinsidence that this was a time when the badger was not protected.The spread of tb seems to be in direct relationship to the increase of badgers.Commen sense says lets have widespread cull,not extermination,and see what happens to tb.


I agree with your comments entirely. The other forum is not one I frequent but followed a link to it and couldn't help but reply to the thread. The comments from "cornwallbadgers" just shows they're oblivious to anything but their own opinions. I've been on the receiving end of those "nice friendly" people who are in badger groups, when I was standing over a sett waiting for hounds to draw through the covert. Out of the bushes appeared 2 lads who had decided I was trying to "interfere with a sett" and were intent on giving me a going over. Fortunately a couple of foot followers turned up along with the terrierman and shortly after huntsman and hounds and they suddenly dissappeared as quickly as they turned up. :D

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Nigel- That other forum is at the furthest end of the scale to us as Im sure you agree.One of the twats speaks of badgers being in decline.Obviously not a night walker!These people who say that man has no need to control any species dont seem to realise that either directly or indirectly we manage every living thing .My granddad tells me of a time when tb was almost unheard of and its no coinsidence that this was a time when the badger was not protected.The spread of tb seems to be in direct relationship to the increase of badgers.Commen sense says lets have widespread cull,not extermination,and see what happens to tb.


I agree with your comments entirely. The other forum is not one I frequent but followed a link to it and couldn't help but reply to the thread. The comments from "cornwallbadgers" just shows they're oblivious to anything but their own opinions. I've been on the receiving end of those "nice friendly" people who are in badger groups, when I was standing over a sett waiting for hounds to draw through the covert. Out of the bushes appeared 2 lads who had decided I was trying to "interfere with a sett" and were intent on giving me a going over. Fortunately a couple of foot followers turned up along with the terrierman and shortly after huntsman and hounds and they suddenly dissappeared as quickly as they turned up. :D

They are with out a doubt wankers of the highest order f**k em i say :good:

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Guest baldie

Foxdropper, tb had been almost eradicated in my lifetime, and i,m only 39 :blink: it was virtually unheard of, in the late 70,s, and 80,s, only when the badger laws took hold, did it rear its head again, i hope they put them on some form of license, i,ve a huge stock of v-max,s :D


Edited to add, must stop posting when pissed :D I,m thinking of smallpox, not TB, but having said that, it was nowhere near as rife 20 years ago, as it is now, and its no coincidence, that it ties in perfectly, with the meteoric rise in the badger population.

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