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I reckon there are a good few tradesmen on here that must experience back problems at work, and others who hurt themselves ferreting and so on.


What I want to know is does anyone do anything to stop putting your back out in the first place? A particular exercise or something like that? I know about safe lifting, kneepads, and stuff like that.


At the grand old age of 33, it' s doing my head in, shuffling round like an OAP half the time, and being self- employed, I' d hate to think what the days off and chiropractors fees cost every year. :thumbdown:

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Had a shed load of shite with my back, one tip is to sit on ya bed for a minute when you wake up, gives your discs time to compress gently, hard bed is old wives tale, medium is much better, and as well as lifting correctly, watch your posture when you twist and turn.


If your back does go, i find it a bit of relive to lay on my back with legs bent at 90o and feet on sofa or table.


Other than that, give up work and take life easy. :D

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propper bad back aint no joke!!!

Iv had more phisio than i can remember,

been cracked and clicked more than enough times,

had a go on an electronick rack (got streched)

and more dull hospital appointments with "pain management" than there is time to tell of them!!

none of it helped much, infact i thought i might not ever recover from that rack.

Two things really help me, one is doing these sort of press-ups where you only let from your pelvis up leave the floor,

the other thing that really helps is a Tens machine.

If any one tells you its in your head........

poke them in the eye!!

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Try to avoid doing the things that make it worse! In my case: heavy lifting, doing anything bent over, standing still in one position for more than 5 minutes, leaning sideways and down to pick something up.


Surely your osteopath or chiropractor has given you exercise to do before you even get out of bed? Mine has, and they do help, though a cure is out of the question when you arthritis in the spine due to wear and tear.


Something I do wear all the time now is a magnetic bracelet: this is the bees knees and has meant I don't need to take so many pain killers all the time: still can't do a lot, mind, but things are definitely better than before I wore it.


This one has 14 magnets in it and is a hell of a lot better than those ones with only one magnet in. I got mine from: http://www.pure-u.com/

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Hey now dont take the piss here cz im being totally straight up here.


Get your wife/bird/bf whichever lol to get them to spray WD40 swear to god it works.I shattered my knee a few year back and it works a treat in the cold or wet when it gives me gip.An old guy told me and i thought he was taking the piss.He wasnt i use it all time.

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jus trang him up he says he lys on the sofa and gets his wife to do everything :) well he wood but hes divorced her now which is good cos she was a sheming bitch

he has a girlfreind now though

:laugh::laugh::laugh: feckin classic :clapper::clapper: seriously though plenty of deep heat and keep moving

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ONE OF THE BEST PRODUCTS YOU WILL EVER BUY.should i tell you i ask my self ,because you wil probabally not bother trying it .DMG.known as dimethylglycine.look it up on the net it is all natural product your body produces it but not enough .i will say know more untill you PM me then i know you took the time to look it up ,and tell you where to get it ,and how to use it. not only for pain it is some thing special

is it a secret :big_boss:

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jus trang him up he says he lys on the sofa and gets his wife to do everything :) well he wood but hes divorced her now which is good cos she was a sheming bitch

he has a girlfreind now though

:laugh::laugh::laugh: feckin classic :clapper::clapper: seriously though plenty of deep heat and keep moving


Will you are so funny :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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ONE OF THE BEST PRODUCTS YOU WILL EVER BUY.should i tell you i ask my self ,because you wil probabally not bother trying it .DMG.known as dimethylglycine.look it up on the net it is all natural product your body produces it but not enough .i will say no more untill you PM me then i know you took the time to look it up ,and tell you where to get it ,and how to use it. not only for pain it is some thing special


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