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lost working breeds

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damn them ad mag waxed jacket .a good waxie would have handled aloty more stick.. :icon_redface:


i know what your saying stabs and you are right but a more normal size dog falls in the 40 somthing catagree in my experiance which is more than likly the case less than yours..


those pits i know of game breeding are some serious animals and they guys that breed them are not far behind.


iv nothing to proveby name dropping or ped quoteing soi will leave it there.

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Guest knocavoeboy

someone i know used to rave on about irish terrier cross whippet. a lad i know has an irish terrier it was drawing and killing quarry, it was dodgy with other dogs though. out of the four irish terriers the wheaton has been bred true for work the most, lurcher hybrids from this cross have high sucess rateas workers in the right hands and 3/4 breds retain a good dose of courage. i used to take out big straight regular that belonged to a mate he was hard, biddable, lacked a wee bit in the speed department but was great draw dog. ive not seen these kerry blue crosses myself but am told they are excellent looking dogs. the whole litter was bought by one man, destined for england. one factor these breeds bring to a lurcher is good coats along with determinaton and abundant courage i have also found them to be intelligent and trainable. my next lurcher i buy will be a straight half wheaton cross bitch. and if both it and my new bull cross pup prove themselves i would like to breed them someday.

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Guest knocavoeboy

i seen a pic recently on somewhere of a half cross glen, def rare shame too unique part of irish heritage, know a fella bought a pair for breeding and work a few years back bu ti ws at time of bad parvo outbreak and he lost them both dogs were droppin everywhere from what im told, would like to see one in the flesh not a show dog though.

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Guest knocavoeboy

there is definitelty a pic of one on some forum. its supposed to be straight half. it doesnt look like much. if they threw like a reddish coloured with rough coat same as bedlington id say theyd be nice. the main prob wud be locating a good worker to start a line. it makes as much sens as using a bedlington. the thing is if tey were that good there wud be someone trying it.

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Like knockavboy, I have seen some of the irish breeds working, wheaten cross russels and fells. Kerry blues have a special memory for me firstly my dads first terrier was a small kerry blue from show breeding which he worked at everything badger ( calm down late fifties early sixties) and fox, guarded the farm, fought any thing on 2 legs or four, fox, bit big for some earths he said but stayed and game as could be. He told me the dog taught him to hunt. Second memory was getting bitten by one as a kid. But i suppose if my dad didn't have "rover" I wouldn't have got into terriers.

I've had irish terrier and wheaten terrier bred lurchers, they make great fox dogs, my brothers dog at moment is irish terrier x grey x bull x grey and he is a great fox dog. As a young dog he was nasty with other dogs, many a farm collie got hammered by it and a few terriers were close tothe pearly gates but as he has got on he has calmed.


I posted one time before a couple of wheaten stories I have heard about their gameness.


1/ When pit bulls came over to ireland for the first time, the dog fighters often matched them with wheatens and wheatens gave good accounts of themselves. Apparently they were on top early on and only as the fight went on did the pits comeout on top...


2/ A farm near dundalk had a brother and sister wheaten as general farm dogs, apparently they killed foxes above ground, deer and wild goats, no vermin on the farm at all. Story I was told was one day the local hunt ran a fox on to a field by the farm, the wheatens killed the fox and then guarded the body from the pack of hounds!!!! Sounds far fetched I know but indicates the regard the proper working wheatens...



I just wonder how many really good tested strains are left.




PS Working wheatens are known to be b*****ds to kennel, hyperactive and very agressive with other dogs...not for the novice

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