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hi folks, dont know if anyone can help? every where i seem to drive i see rabbits on fields but i dont know who owns the land, how do i find out? i know some farms have a house on or something but when you see field without any buildings how do you find out who the owner is???

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Another way to supplement asking people, if you can see sufficiently well from the raodside, is to look at where the gate into the field leads to, and try to visually follow the line of gates between fields back to the farm buildings. Most farms are ring-fenced around the perimeter.


Doesn't always work, but can sometimes give you some idea of which direction to look in.


Another idea is to find the field on one of the internet map sites (e.g. multimap or MSN Maps) with areial photos on it, and see if that shows any obvious farm buildings in the near vicinity.


At least the fact that you know there are loads of rabbits around means there may well be someone needing some help controling them (unless of course they are on of the few 'bunny-hugging' farmers....)


Good luck.

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