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am i doing wrong

Guest lurcher#1

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Guest lurcher#1

Another question about my lurcher,

after having a few nights on the lamp,she picked the task up quite well,getting 1 rabbit out of three that i sliped her on,this shes been doing on her first few outings but recently she has been missing some,buggers getting in there burrows to quick,will this affect her confidence and make her worse or is it just part of learning,i am trying to pick out the easiest ones,she just looks so dissapointed.

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i think thay got to git use to missing as well as catching and the more you wrok them the less thay miss thay git use to judgeing the rabbit's and were it's going if you git them out 2 or 3 time's a week thay git better after 2 week's no matter what thay are after the more thay run it the better thay do on it

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all of the very best of dogs owned by the most experienced men,have all missed a few whilst they were young dogs, just make sure you pick easy slips and give your dog every advantage, once your dog catches a rabbit, put it back on the lead praise it and go home whilst the going is good and the dog is excited, always make your trips exciting and finish on a good note, dont run your dog too much,

keep it ultra keen, try to run a young dog on young rabbits, as these are less experienced at getting away, sometimes keep your dog on a lead and let it watch an experienced dog catch something at close quarters,

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Guest dog on

if you caught every thing it would get boring just let the dog worke it out for its self dont worry about it missing some if it got any brains it will soon learn what it has got a chance of catching and what it has not .if you dont let it learn that now it wil never learn.and if you worke it loose it will become 10 times beter than sliping it all the time .its a pain to begin with but when it clicks it is a pleasure to own a dog that can worke loose .i know i keep preaching about sliping .but a mother does not put her pups on a slip and keep leting them go they are alowed to learn for them selves you WILL end up with a dog that does not rip and tear every where ,and it will catch a lot more ,i dont course hares so i suppose there is an advantage using a slip on them but rabbits are so easy

Edited by dog on
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