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Just a few Pic's of the Hungarian female which has just started to stand Late! she's not my bird and belongs to Chris Soans but I have her here to Inseminate, she is one pretty birds with the Dark Red Eyes.


This is the Mother to the P/R female I was flying last year and a cracking little female for rearing and to look at...





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fadeing now mate! probably a couple of weeks at the most. This particular male looked like he had shot his load totaly the other day and Bang! he gave me a shot dinner time and real good shot tonight, One shot went straight in this bird and the other into my big girl who is still dropping some Eggs, she did eleven last year and now into seven and still up for it ;), She's a real tart and stands with her arse in the air as soon as she hear's me ;) ...


Pity I didn't get the same results with the woman mate :gunsmilie:...





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:icon_eek: your a rum lad sounds to me like you got a bit to much spunk of your own mate.

come on share some more pics of your eggs etc.

i better re word that :icon_redface: , your birds eggs,i dred to think what you will put up otherwise :rofl:

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  lady-hunter07 said:
shes a stunner



Yeah she's a good girl LH!! I needed her to come in because she'll Rear anything, you can put 6 Gos chicks under her and she'll rear the lot, she's now 12 years od which is why her eyes are Ruby Red....



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  chaos said:
hi tony, first time i met chris he was still at college and was flying a ferruginous, after this he was flying a male harris he used to come to coventry with wayne or alex stokes and another friend adam philips, wayne flew a spar and adam a male gos called frenzy, how the years have flown by, now chris is a ranger, alex became a copper :whistling: and moved to canada and adam is in the pub trade.




Hello Chris


I think the one who was a copper is now in the mounties by the sounds of it :whistling:! Soansy is now at Ely working for the National Trust doing everyone's head in :laugh:.


I met up with Gary last saturday for the BFC end of season region dinner! there was a guest speaker who did a pretty long talk with slides, the trouble is with me I can't sit still for 5 mins usually but this time I fell asleep after about a hour! if gary hadn't nudged me I would have been snoring my head off :angel:. It was a good crack though mate with plenty of people there for us to wind up all evening, it got pretty arguementative at times but we both enjoyed it and had a good laugh but I was totaly knackered by the end of the evening through getting up earley and going top bed too late...


what region are you in chris? shame you wasn't there mate! the three of us would have had a good laugh :yes:...



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I'll let you know When/If any hatch chris!! I have a few eggs but I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch and tempting fate ;), I'm pleased so far how the Peregrine Inseminateing has gone but I won't say anything until I see what I get out! the Gos's have also been laying well and the semen donors also have been good this year which is a releif....


I thought you was on the Board at the BFC chris with all the clicky posh nobs :laugh:, there was plenty of them their saturday but they don't speak my language ;)....





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Bingo she's layed today!! thats a releif because I need this bird for rearing, when I entered the aviary she was straight up on the perch wanting to be topped up again, being a Hungarian she far from the biggest but a real lovely looking and sensible bird for a Goshawk! the youngsters seem to be pretty good too....






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  SPAR said:
Result Tony best of luck mate, will speak soon :thumbs:


No probs mate I'll speak soon!! I candled a few last night when I picked up the courage and was pleasantly happy! I'm sitting on 27 Gos eggs at the moment but we'll see what comes off hey :victory:....





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