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sorry if this is s stupid question but does it help to move the trap around if you have no luck in a certain spot?

No it's not a stupid question..........my advice would be to give it time in the place you have it now........this gets the fox used to seeing it in one place. If you keep moving it....it will take time to accept it in it's new location.

If it is in a good location............i would give it a couple of weeks at least.........if it hasn't caught then.......then think about moving it.

The trouble is...........most people are not patient enough to let the trap do it's work. From experience you will catch more by leaving the cage where it is than by moving it. (provided it is in the correct location to start with)



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.......this gets the fox used to seeing it in one place. If you keep moving it....it will take time to accept it in it's new location.



is this not a bit of a contradiction ?, if the fox went in on the first night then surely it has accepted the trap in that location


not had much to do with fox cages , but plenty to do with other fox control methods

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as i was checking the trap today i noticed the long grass on the other side of the small holding had been pushed down in a small circle shape and as i looked near the hedge i seen a cub, just wondering what is the best thing do dispatch a cub if its in the trap?



How where you planning on dispatching any adults you caught?

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410 but will this be too much for a cub ?


Too much? Are you going to eat it?


.410 will do the job nicely. Treat any cubs you catch in the same way as you would adults, and however silly you feel, put some safety glasses on because there is a danger of ricochet from the trap, and no fox is worth an eye.

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3 x 3 x 6 im fairly sure thats what mine is or maybe its only a 5, i'd have to measure it... mine is the one where the bait is tied with a string through the back and over the top to the door mechanism... never had alot of success with it to be honest... a few silly cubs and a fair few moggys have been caught in it....


hope the man doesnt mind me using his pic but its a great trap and i saved the image hoping to copy it... i think this is the bizz






Dont mind you using the photo at all Oldskool. Have used smaller ones in the past but not had as much luck as these bigger ones. On the subject of leaving a trap where it is this one has been in the same place for 3 years, just take it in sometime in the summer to paint it up. Got 3 of these out at the moment but its getting hard to catch this time of year because there is so much food about for them.



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