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Found pit in NSW

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from a girl in the other dog forum i go to. thought i would take a chance and post her thread here in case anyone is missing this dog or knows of it.

the dog is in the pound now and i dont know what that entails for getting her back. closure if nothing else.






We flew up to northern NSW on the weekend for a family reunion. Having arrived on ANZAC day, we swanned into town to watch the traditional march and listen to the service. Partway through the service, this little pittie turned up, running around in the crowd, trying to pick a fight with 3 GSDs and their ACD friend, making parents nervous, you know. I called her over and grabbed her collar, thinking she must have got away from someone. We looked around and no one was in hot pursuit. She was a lovely dog, jumping all over us and loving up to us, and she was clearly someone's beloved pet as she was in good condition and had a nice pink collar and the remnants of matching nail polish on her nails!


Edited by BlueCoyote
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