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how good is the bellman and flint terrier finder, and is it worth the money because im thinking of buyiny one but want to no how good it is or isnt

great bit of kit. takes abit to get use to it(or was that just me!) just have a chat to the bloke when you buy it and he will explain how to use it but its worth every penny

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dats great to no, so do i order it from the bellman and flint site or is there anywhere in ireland i can buy it

go to the bellman & flint site order on line but i would phone up as i said before just so you can ask the bloke a few questions about how it works

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Being field tested now new collar will be out about november time according to bellmen and flint and also we have just bought one we have used to it now four times and works great if I can us one anyone can .


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SPOKE TO b/f the other day on the phone about the new collar it will be out in DECEMBER it will be half the size of the present collar and will be rechargeable and both collars can be used with the same box

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had one for years absolutly superb been told there is a new one out at the end of the year but all there changing is the battery from one you change once in a blue moon to a rechargeable collar so not worth the wait just bite the bullet and buy

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SPOKE TO b/f the other day on the phone about the new collar it will be out in DECEMBER it will be half the size of the present collar and will be rechargeable and both collars can be used with the same box

need two for the coming season if its definatley december i,ll hold out and make do with what i have.

did they say anything about pricing??.

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