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Ballistic Tips ~ Varmint Express Hornady 35gr V Max

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: Holy Mother of God!!!


Had Dean O' round earlier. I had a rat job to cover this afters, then Dean and I met up here to make use of a dead fox I had hanging around the place. Dean wanted to see what his .17 HMR could do. I was curious to test out this box of 25 'Ballistics' he'd treated me to a couple of weeks back.


Dean took the cadaver down and propped it against a dung heap at a known 100 yard mark. He went for a head shot. Killed the fox again, absolutely no doubt about it.


I tried, with the 35gn Hornady. My overall impression was the magnificent and resounding Slap! One of those things hitting a deep pile of shit is fun to listen to!


Scratched my head and tried again. I just wasn't getting there. Dean started spotting for me and we soon found I was - conversley - pulling to the left. I usually pull right. And my elevation was all to shit. That's to be expected, these rounds being grains lighter than my customary Hollow Points.


Few clicks. Slap! Quick conferance with Dean. Few more clicks. I braced the rifle on his fleece, jammed into the door frame of his van and lined up dead centre of the head. " Ready, Dean? ". He confirmed that he was watching the strike point. " Here we go. " I said, as I started the usual, non live target battle of attrition with the trigger of The Beast. I got her to fire.


I looked at the fox. I looked at Dean. He looked at me. We both looked at the fox. WTF?! My opinion was that I seemed to have blown off it's entire muzzle. Dean reckoned the impact had spun his face round. We were both rather perplexed as we marched a hundred yards down that field.


Then it was all gasps and " OH MY ....! " and " NEVVEEER!!! ". Like two cave men, examining the result of the Loud Branch, we examined the foxes head from every angle. Dean, bravely, poking it with his finger and then curling his lip in an utterance of disgust.


When Dean gingerly took it's ear by the tip and gave the head a little shake? I'm sorry. That was just Too much for me and I finally started laughing my f*cking guts out! It was like shaking a tin filled half with backed beans and half with water! Every thing inside that head was pureed! As Dean O' observed in awe, just before he too cracked up; " The only thing holding this head together is the skin! ".


Gentlemen; Ye'll have to excuse me. I simply Must get out there and take a Patrol - Loading with Ballistic Tip's! :icon_eek:

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Ditch as with changing the weight of the bullet or the velocity of any bullet the point of impact will shift, So i wouls suggest sticking with one weight when ye have made up your mind on the bullet of choice.............Good hunting.

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ok ditch. sounds like you have found the hornady disease iv tried every ballistic tipped bullet on the market in every rifle iv owned and always go back to hornady.the only downside to them [and this is from experience with my rifles]is they can hydraulic out on fur if the target animal is not hit square on this still drops em but not the desired result thats what you get though firing stuff at 4000fps!

have fun mate :drink:

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I did mention those things hit pretty hard :) I've yet to find any, but I knew what would happen from seeing them in other calibres and also seeing ballistics figures on them. Must get a box, it might rejuvenate my Hornet, as I've lost faith in it as I don't reload...

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HI Ditch. i am also trying out the hornaday V max bullets tried the 35 grainers last week ( had some of my mate) seemed accurate enough at about 100yds but only tried them on paper targets.... been out today crow shooting, but took my hornet to try out some 40 grain V max when i had the chance, had a quick sighting session to get things on song, then settled down about 120 yds from some rabbit holes and waited.. after about 15 mins out comes the first rabbit levelled the rifle on it, took the shot and saw the rabbit fly about a foot in the air, waited another 10 mins another rabbit, this time just crumpled to the shot. After a further 30 mins all gone quiet, went to investigate kills, ---holy shit mate both rabbits had been totally gutted, and one was almost in half, one hell of a mess.. These rounds not recommended if you want rabbits to eat but dogs nuts for all out vermin control--can,t wait to hit old charlie with one :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:

PS both shots were 100yds plus, Rifle is Ruger 77/22 K hornet----Stick with hornaday V max :victory::victory:


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That was a grate read just as it whet down.It was fun and good to see what my rifle can do to a fox at a 100y not that i will be out to try to get a fox at 100y ill stick to 50>70y mark.sill not got one of my own yet but iv my eye on one near me just got to get my self out there and get him.


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