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got the chance of an air arms s410 ags ? in .22,with 3 mags , buddy bottle , hard carry case , 1000 pellets, bi pod , for £500 , is it worth it ? what they like ?

also looked at a crossman ratcatcher in 22 , look like a kids toy ,what they like ? cheers

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that sounds like a bargain for the s410!! i would buy that!! its a very good gun, nice and light and very accurate!!


as for the crossman, its good for rats as you could probably tell from the name but it lacks the power to use for killing rabbtis, it could also be use 2 shoot feral pidgeons i suppose!!


hope that haelped :thumbs:




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Guest buster321c

I`ve just got my S400 Classic had it about 2 weeks , wanted the 410 but this one came up and i could`nt miss it for the money , fantastic , im chuffed with it , if i was you and i had the cash i would definatly have it :thumbs:

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Well Moley it depends on.... is the bottle 300bar and does it come with charging adapter?

The bipod is it a harris swivel type or fixed cheap jimmy wong make....... £500 is a good price if the bottle is 300 bar and plenty of test left on it and its a good bipod :big_boss:


I have had the S410k in .22 but not the TDR but they are the same action and I have never heard a bad thing about them S410 is a good choice but I am a .177 man now far more accurate in my hands anyhow :thumbs:

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Sounds like a bargain. TDR is shorter in the stock than the carbine or standard rifle, so put it in your shoulder to see if it feels alright. Also get it chronographed to make sure it's legal.



didn,t like it at all , it wasn,t as new as i was lead to believe either , so i just ordered myself a bsa ultra multishot in .177 , thanks for the advice anyway

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