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me new pup

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How the hell can anyone see anything much of the pup with it dangling in the air by its scruff: can't you even hold a pup properly for a photo: it's not a ferret! :nono: and it doesn't do them any good to be dangled like that once they're past a few days old: even the bitch wouldn't do that to her pups once they're more than a week old.

I'm saying this because I'd hate to think that someone who doesn't know about how to handle dogs comes on here and sees this and thinks this is the way to handle a pup. And as for the comment about 'cracking eyes'.......well they only look like that cos they skin is pulled tight back by being dangled by its scruff. No wonder people think that lurcher owners are ignorant .....s.

I agree the mans a prick.

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How the hell can anyone see anything much of the pup with it dangling in the air by its scruff: can't you even hold a pup properly for a photo: it's not a ferret! :nono: and it doesn't do them any good to be dangled like that once they're past a few days old: even the bitch wouldn't do that to her pups once they're more than a week old.

I'm saying this because I'd hate to think that someone who doesn't know about how to handle dogs comes on here and sees this and thinks this is the way to handle a pup. And as for the comment about 'cracking eyes'.......well they only look like that cos they skin is pulled tight back by being dangled by its scruff. No wonder people think that lurcher owners are ignorant .....s.

I agree the mans a prick.



who ye calling a prick i hope it not me as ye dont know me and dont want to , maby i was harsh in my words but i stand bye holding a pup that way does no harm no need for skycat to call me ignorant if she had a point to make she should of explained.

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OK, so what I SHOULD have said in the first place goes as follows................


How's about a photo of the pup stood on the ground so we can see it's shape better: it looks a bit Chinese with its eyes all slanted like that from being scruffed. By the way, whilst it doesn't physically harm a pup to be scruffed and dangled in mid air, I can think of better ways to hold a pup up. It would be better for the pup's confidence and ability to tolerate handling if you held it under its chest and its rear end. Plus we can't really tell what it loks like being dangled like that.


Is that better? I must admit I do tend to shoot off at the mouth sometimes when I see something that annoys me: all depends what sort of day I'm having/had! Don't forget: the eyes of the world are ever on us! Just my personal opinion, but the general public find it far more difficult to label us as brutal beasts in the hunting field if they see that our level of dog care and training is 100% top of the range.


I'm not for one moment saying we should spoil our dogs or wrap them in cotton wool, and for the most part the working dogs on these hunting forums are in tip top condition, and most of them better trained than your average pet pooch. BUT, those who ARE ignorant of our ways, wouldn't understand scruffing a pup and might see it as cruel. Do you get my drift?


I still stand by what I originally said though: lifting lurchers and lurcher pups should be done with more thought as to supporting the body weight than by the scruff alone.


Yeah....group hug! And I'm sorry if I offended you H&B: I just do speak my mind without sugar coating things sometimes! We all had to start somewhere, and I'm still learning about dogs and how to get the best out of them. There isn't a day goes by where I don't learn some new thing about dogs in general and how to understand them better.

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skycat , iv nothing against you as i dont know you (not that i would if i did) ye seam to be a careing lurcher owner wit plenty good to say , , thats just the way i was brought up wit holding pups but i put them under my arm while i have them off the ground just the pups are not standing up right at the time so i took quick pitcher like that , i was annoyed the way ye came at me but i should of replyed in a more gentlmanly way , happy hunting :drink:

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