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what rifle

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hey all nice to see people still ahve the same intrests as me .as alot of people now hate the tought of killing there own food .

any ways as the title says im back after three years (dont know why i ever stopped)

and looking for a new gun and my brains are mashed as to witch rifle to get i.e springer or pcp.

i started my hunting life with the bsa lightning then on to the webley venom viper.then a tx2000 all rifles ware good in there own way .

now i dont want to spent to much as iv not got any land to shoot on as yet (sent loads of letters out and asked lots of people )but i still want to get a rifle so i can get up to sratch before i do .now the line up is


exocet second hand for 150 with scope and silencer

bsa ultra for 340 full kit

umarex magnum full kit £350 but not sure about buying co2

rabbittopper full kit £350

cheers .m


i think i may need to try some as i love both spring and pcp but witch one .



p.s do you think thre exocet is worth 150 says it's nearly new ???

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hey all nice to see people still ahve the same intrests as me .as alot of people now hate the tought of killing there own food .

any ways as the title says im back after three years (dont know why i ever stopped)

and looking for a new gun and my brains are mashed as to witch rifle to get i.e springer or pcp.

i started my hunting life with the bsa lightning then on to the webley venom viper.then a tx2000 all rifles ware good in there own way .

now i dont want to spent to much as iv not got any land to shoot on as yet (sent loads of letters out and asked lots of people )but i still want to get a rifle so i can get up to sratch before i do .now the line up is


exocet second hand for 150 with scope and silencer

bsa ultra for 340 full kit

umarex magnum full kit £350 but not sure about buying co2

rabbittopper full kit £350

cheers .m


i think i may need to try some as i love both spring and pcp but witch one .



p.s do you think thre exocet is worth 150 says it's nearly new ???


I converted to PCP about 5 years ago, and it was the single best thing I did for my air rifle shooting (I also shoot .22 rimfire and .243)


With regard to getting land, like you, I found sending out letters and just knocking on farmers doors didn't get much response. So I changed the approach to finding shoots for in my case, rabbits, as follows:


1. Find somewhere that there are loads of rabbits. Get an OS map of your area, and over a period of weeks, walk every public footpath and bridleway (preferably at dawn or dusk) looking for rabbits or signs of warrens.


2. When you find somewhere with loads of them, find out who the land belongs to.


3. Go and knock on the door (not dressed in camo!), introduce yourself with a line something like 'I couldn't help noticing there are loads of raabits on your land, and I wondered if you needed any help controlling them'.


Whilst you very occasionally get a 'No' answer, more often than not, you get a 'Yes', because you have taken the trouble to find someone who has a problem that they need help to sort out.


Good luck with getting a shoot, and good hunting.



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thanks for the info guys .iv hoped for the bsa spitfire as i when to the local gun shop and thay had a trade in so thay let me have it cheap (well i think it was cheap.150 with scope and pellets)

i know the ultra is gunna be better but for know i can practice with this one and thay said thay would take it back in part exgange if i wanted to upgrade .

plus iv not spent 340 on a rifle thats gunna be a plinker if i dont get any land to shoot on .

me and a friend is going out over the week end as at viilage ware iv bin working at is covered in rabbits and pigeons.

and there are lots of farms and turf farms there so hopfully we will get a result> :victory::tongue2::victory::tongue2:

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