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the day started well with a few setts having 2 rabbits at home :D my [bANNED TEXT] netted a 5 holer caught a couple then things went quiet he found a bolt hole on the bank side around 20 yrds from the main holes :o he shouted to me and said that he thought the ferret was wandering somewhere :huh: any way he went back and checked a few setts along the bank side and found the ferret around 50 yrds further along the bank and he was very lucky to get his ferret back ;)













these pic shows a few of the ones that hit the nets




this robin followed us all day and even landed on the bleeper box :lol:





theboys gutting and legging




we ended the day with 33 rabbits and they were all hard won good hunting all woodga :ph34r:

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Nice one Woody......nice to see you out and about smiling :)


Are you guys coming across many nests/kits up there?.....plenty down here in the midlands. I reckon this season theres only been one month where we aint either had young uns or milky does while out with the stinkers.


Good hunting.......Lamps

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  LAMPER said:

Nice one Woody......nice to see you out and about smiling :)


Are you guys coming across many nests/kits up there?.....plenty down here in the midlands. I reckon this season theres only been one month where we aint either had young uns or milky does while out with the stinkers.


Good hunting.......Lamps




this weekend we were at scotland on some low ground almost all of the does were ready to drop :( made the farmer happy but not me we bolted young rabbits of various ages all day looks like we will have to work the cheviots rabbits up there hold back untill late march so we will have another month then pack in for the season GOOD HUNTING ALL WOODGA :ph34r:

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  Andy said:

Nice one [bANNED TEXT],was just thinking,that lucy is worth her weight in gold for marking them sett

your right there [bANNED TEXT] last weekend she marked 87 rabbits over 2 days :) shes out again tommorow on the cheviots she will be a god send up there because there are so many holes :o we expect to get around the sixty mark tommorow i hope if the weather holds and the wind doesnt blow a hooligan because we are so high up the mountain but heres hoping :good: ill let you know how we get on good hunting all woodga :ph34r:

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  • 3 years later...
  bigredbusa said:
come on halfinch , get with it lol :) halfinch got a few days for you come the season so pencil yourself in for sunny cambridgeshire

Sure will, look forward to it, I know it's an old post.

Still looked like a good day though, and woodga is still here. ;)

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