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new to hunting life

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:bye: alright lads,after having coursing dogs for nearly 20 years i have decided to slow down a bit and just take it easy with a bit of rabbiting day/night,feretting ect,im not old dont get me wrong im only in my mid 30,s its just work and family commitment as i have five kids and work all hours 6-7 days aweek,i know what your thinking i need to buy a tele but every spare minute i get im out with the dogs mouching in one form or an other,its in my blood its very contageous.

anyway at the minute i am running a 2 year old bedlington/whippet first cross,a 3 year old lynperry whippet dog and a 10 month old laguna/sooty sam whippet bitch,these are all i need for the land where i live and for the land where i have many acres of rabbiting permission,i am very fortunate in that respect.

thanks lads looking forward to hearing from yous in the future,all the best for the new year,marco

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:D hi mick,

ye they are a keen little bunch,all im going to say about my bed/whippet 1st x for now is hes worth his weight in gold cannot fault him in any way for the rabbiting job that is and the lynnperry whippet dog he is equally as good with his nose and working rough cover,as for the little laguna/sooty sam whippet bitch i think its been here before its just there with the other two hunting up and picking up.to be honest i can not believe how determined the pure working whippet is they have definatley opened my eyes,i would be interested to hear some more views on the working whippet and whippet x,s........cheers mick

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