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what ammo is best ?

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hi all can anyone tell me which ammo is best suited for .17 hmr cz 452 as im off to pick up my frist rifle tomorrow and would like any advice you can give.its for mainly rabbit and hopefully the odd fox.


cheers andy

All rifles are different and will like different ammo, I have a 452 in .17 HMR and I tried Remington, which it did not like at all, Federal which were OK, and then Winchester which it loves, They are around £10-12 a box.

Unfortunately it may be the case you need to test a variety, try the Winchester see if they work.

Federal, CCI and Hornady all make .17 HMR ammo but I cant comment on them



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I've got the CZ 452 American with the Varmint barrel and out of all the rounds I've used it shot best using Winchester Supreme, I've only used 17g so I can't say if their better than the 20g or vice-versa.

Hope this helps

ATB :thumbs:

Edited by young1982
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I use Hornady Vmax 17gn in my cz452 which has proved to be consistently good. Take a look at http://www.varmintal.com/17hmr.htm which makes an interesting read.


ditto to the above, the only thing i can say is mine does not like a regular clean, as it takes between 10 and fifteen rounds for the group to tighten in again.

you will learn alot from the above link.

mine likes hornday and cci, but all the rifles will vary so don't but too much of the one brand and shoot the rifle in before you make a decision.

as after about 100 round you will notice the groups starting to shirnk a little with firing in. :thumbs:

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