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what type of rabbiting dogs do you keep

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i keep whippets my self and can fault them for lamping and ferreting what adventage do you think rabbiting lurcher have over the whippet i dont think they have much. before we start whippet are not more prone to the cold than any other short coated dog if keep out side


thanks robert

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We've always had collie/grey/bull mixes , grand for fur and feather our main quarry was rabbit & fox back then though. The last 2 lurchers we got are my parents dogs and are more pet then workers however , they still come out rabbiting now and again and one of them has taken a couple of charlie ( pre ban of course!). On saturday I picked up my whippet ( litter brother to yours Robert) and his mainly going be worked on coney, next year i might get another straight whippet or possibly go for a whippet/beddy think i'll stick to the smaller dogs for now until i've got the graft for the bigger dogs and my own gaff and got my kennels up.

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the best rabbiting dog i've had was a whippet/collie greyhound, fast and brains to burn but was very shy with foxes

ive got one as well brains to burn indeed but mine likes the odd fox not sure if he would take them week in week out but he has a few threw the season

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I have a bull grey x coursing grey bitch............. only 24"tts...............does the job for me well.



Also have a brindle minshaw bred bitch of 23"tts............... .


Very strong in the back, but truthfully I haven't been that impressed with her as a rabbit dog........shes got heart of lion, and I think thats her problem......... shes that mad to catch, she over shoots, and doesnt turn that well.


She hasnt seen that much work so hopefully she know the script a bit better next season

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the best rabbiting dog i've had was a whippet/collie greyhound, fast and brains to burn but was very shy with foxes


The best Cross is a Greyhound/Collie (border Collie) because as you say you have the speed and brains supplied by the collie. Collies are the MOST intelligent of all working dogs. I have been hunting for over sixty years (including Poaching) and the collie cross is the easiest to train and they have a NATURAL instinct to control the quarry. They respond immediately to whistled instructions. When poaching they will circle the field and drive the quarry to gate nets or snares on command.

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the best rabbiting dog i've had was a whippet/collie greyhound, fast and brains to burn but was very shy with foxes


The best Cross is a Greyhound/Collie (border Collie) because as you say you have the speed and brains supplied by the collie. Collies are the MOST intelligent of all working dogs. I have been hunting for over sixty years (including Poaching) and the collie cross is the easiest to train and they have a NATURAL instinct to control the quarry. They respond immediately to whistled instructions. When poaching they will circle the field and drive the quarry to gate nets or snares on command.


Good info My whippet X collie is a dream to rabbit with... shes way ahead of me in the'know how' and I watch her switch between her collie and whippet heads all the time. The collie head is like watching sheep penning and the whippet one is just speed. Shes totally got the game under control and it appears that shes directing bunny traffic for herself!

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