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Mink Hunt Video Updated

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  • 3 weeks later...

more youtube, :rolleyes:

some good mink hunting with terriers amongst boulders in Norway








Hi I'm the one who posted these videos on youtube, thx for the nice comments :icon_redface:

I'm soon 34 years old and has been hunting since I was kid, has owned dogs for the last 8 years. And as u guess, I'm from Norway :victory:

I own 1 male dachs soon 6 years old, 1 fox terrier bitch ( 4,5 years old) and a male puppy from here first litter, now 8 months old.


First video is filmed by a friend of mine, I'm the one trying to look under the big stone :wallbash: and I'm the one whos shooting.

Bad shoot, but my dog pulled it out and finnished it.

The male dachs is the one with the funny voice, the other dachs is a bitch owned by the guy whos filming. The terrier is my bitch.


2nd video is my fox terrier puppy (aprox 7 months there) when he really got "ignited" on mink, dont know how to explain it lol :icon_redface:

First time he barked on a mink !

What it doesn't show is that my terrier pulled the mink out and my dachs helped him killing it, could make a safe shoot there.


Last video is my dachs and a daughter from the bitch in first movie, hunting together.

Some friends of mine, waiting to shoot, but to dangerous for the dogs.


Feel free to ask if there is anything u wanna know about my dogs or about minkhunting etc...

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Here is my pedigree dogs :clapper:

I use the dachs and fox terrier combined on minkhunting. the dachs is a very good scent dog and the terrier ahs the speed and agility, very good combination for this kind of hunting.

I normally use a shotgun, but its not always safe to shoot because of the dogs.


Heres my fox terrier puppy, I think this one is gonna be a very good hunting dog.

I own the mother and the father is imported from Russia, owned by a friend of mine.

its of 100% hunting bloodlines, no showdogs in this blood.

I normally dont go to shows, because they tend to give the big dogs the best prizes.

But this puppy, now about 8 months and 7,5-8 kg, got Best in Race at his first show, so I think it has the looks to lol :clapper:




Here is another picture, the first time he is smelling a mink, about 6 months




Here is my 4 year old Fox terrier bitch after a succesfull minkhunt, she is about 6,5 kg and also got a 1 prize in a show.

She is a very good hunting dog, I have taken 5 foxes with here and about 100 mink.




Here she is in march this year, shoot 2 foxes for here that month.




And here is my vicious dachs with the funny barking :victory:

He is very good at minkhunting, hes the one that normally find them, the dachs is a very good scentdog and he is also a certified tracking dog, I use him to track up wounded deer after traffic accidents or if a hunter has been unlucky and wounded a animal.


He never gives up and dont care about the weather as long he's hunting, but if he is relaxing in the sofa, he dont want to go outside if its raining lol








Here is me and my dachs, after tracking up some deer.

First picture is a very nice buck who was "druged" and tagged for research.




This deerbuck was shot, but managed to get away and hide before it died.



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Absolutely excellent dogs and photos. You are so lucky to have all that game to hunt.

Please keep posting photos. I am really enjoying all this.

Some of that boggy, heather and boulder strewn land is very much like the west of Ireland.

Here is one of my favourite places to hunt with my fox terrier. It could be Norway, by the looks of it! :clapper:


Edited by cúagusgiorraí
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I uploaded a old clip form last summer, not the best quality and some wind noise.

Its my dachs, my fox terrier and crossmix between dachs/foxhound wich I dont have anymore.

The crossmix is good on roedeer and hare, but a little to weak on anything who could bite back lol

I sold it to a roedeer hunter.


I hope u enjoy the movie, have a nice weekend :drink:


Edited by Foxterrier
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Got a call from a mate today, who had seen a mink going on to a small island.

I went with my two fox terriers and we soon found a litter with some minkpups under a big stone.

Had to work hard and long before we got them, they are so small that they get into the smallest places and will not move like fullgrown mink usually do.

Ended up with 4 minks, didn't see or find the mother, guess she's still there somewhere.

Here's today catch :big_boss:



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  • 4 weeks later...

I have taken a couple of minks since last post, but now written about it lol.

Today we went out with my 9 1/2 month old fox terrier pup to a small island I knew there are minks.

After while he tracked down and killed a mink all by himself, thats a good dog :laugh:



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Pretty common, but I do my best to reduce them and I have succeded in some areas ;)

I'm not the only one hunting mink, there are a few other guys who also hunt, but we are not many.

There used to be a lot more mink earlier, but I guess there where also a lot more mink farms then.

They do great damage to the nesting birds, thats the only problem with mink Imo.

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