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Guest dog on

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At least the Royals have got the bottle to go to War, Prince Andrew in the Falklands and Harry the other month, who from a reputable source i know did a feckin good job sorting out them dirty sh*te bags. :big_boss:


Unlike the neo-communist, feckin back sliding filth, who will litteraly take every penny out of your wallet to make sure they don't ever have to do a days collar :big_boss:


Grow up and know what strenghtened a country and not made it weaker :big_boss:

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And none of us would do the same in their position???.......???



:icon_eek: i know i bloody would.......


them lads are on our side..... :victory::victory:

if you got any more money you dont mind giving away pm me ill have it


Do YOU pay tax???

not if i can help it .but you cant get away with everything so some


I thought you said you didnt pay tax etc in an earlier post???>...

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i also think you will find they have everything they could ever wish for \\curttisy of the tax payer //and dont want to spoil things for them selves if they wanted to get involved things would change but like i said they can do what they like and get away with it but joe blogs cant always has been always will be


Don't talk such sh*t, they are under more scrutiny than you or I am.

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i also think you will find they have everything they could ever wish for \\curttisy of the tax payer //and dont want to spoil things for them selves if they wanted to get involved things would change but like i said they can do what they like and get away with it but joe blogs cant always has been always will be


Yeah.......the clue is in the name "ROYAL" family...........not many "ROYAL" familys are on the breadline.


Just as well your the type of bloke who would give it all up if you were born into it..............lol

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Guest dog on
At least the Royals have got the bottle to go to War, Prince Andrew in the Falklands and Harry the other month, who from a reputable source i know did a feckin good job sorting out them dirty sh*te bags. :big_boss:


Unlike the neo-communist, feckin back sliding filth, who will litteraly take every penny out of your wallet to make sure they don't ever have to do a days collar :big_boss:


Grow up and know what strenghtened a country and not made it weaker :big_boss:

\\like they were ever put in danger //
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And none of us would do the same in their position???.......???



:icon_eek: i know i bloody would.......


them lads are on our side..... :victory::victory:

if you got any more money you dont mind giving away pm me ill have it


Do YOU pay tax???

not if i can help it .but you cant get away with everything so some


I thought you said you didnt pay tax etc in an earlier post???>...

like i said i dont if i cant help it but some products i have to buy to suvive have vat so some but not on what i earn if the vat man wants his share of that he can come and earn it by humping around the stuff i catch



Sound to me your one of these soap dodging barstards.

Signing on the dole and let US pay your bills.




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Guest dog on
i also think you will find they have everything they could ever wish for \\curttisy of the tax payer //and dont want to spoil things for them selves if they wanted to get involved things would change but like i said they can do what they like and get away with it but joe blogs cant always has been always will be


Yeah.......the clue is in the name "ROYAL" family...........not many "ROYAL" familys are on the breadline.


Just as well your the type of bloke who would give it all up if you were born into it..............lol

that is some thing im afraid you or me will never find out
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