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charging problems

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hi lads, just wondering has anyone had charging problems eg. pump it up to 220 bar but when i release iar from pupm gun isnt taking it, any info appriciaed, eg, easy fixed or cheap or expensive. cheers keith



What gun??? All the Raptors prefer about 185-200 Bar, perhaps as high as 205/206 bar for the FAC versions, but NOT 220 bar, that's much too high for these.


Is it one of the Praire Jobs..don't know what the pressure is meant to be on those??

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if its an original FN19 then charging pressure should 180-190 only, otherwise you will get a lot of low power inconsistant shots to start with because the pressure will counteract the valve spring and not release enough air per shot. if it continues leaking after charging then its possible you have grit in the filling valve (common with falcons) this can be blown out by a short sharp blast fromthe bottle sometimes but otherwise means a new valve :blink: Best policy is not touse pumps with them as they seem to aggravate the problem. Good luck :thumbs:

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