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I've wanted an allotment for a while and as i've got some spare cash i thought i'd try and get hold of one.

Nothings certain yet and i still need to see if theres any free and if not how long the waiting list is.

The main reason i want an allotment is chickens. I dont want to keep many, just enough to feed a family of 4. I'd like some to produce eggs and some more to eat when they get to the right age.

Chickens normally mean rats which i suppose isnt all bad because it'll give my ebt some sport and give me an oppertuntiy to trap some of the buggers :)

Whats the score with taking air rifles down to the allotment ? Or isit one of those things which depends on the specific allotment ?

How many chickens would i need ?

I take it i'd need to fence the chickens in ? If so could anybody give advice on this ?

What should i feed them ?


I'd also grow vegetables, just the normall lot - Spuds, carrots etc etc.

Any info ?


Hopefully it would have a shed down there which i could safely keep my traps in and all that.


Sorry for all the questions but i want to get clued up before i look any further into it.



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theres alot to learn on the subject,fencing will be expensive if you have fox in the area because it will need to be strong and high

good egg layers are isa browns,they average 200-250 per year.

welsomers average 100 per year and their eggs are known for their beauty

if you intend on eating chickens then you want ross cobbs,they are bred to put on weight at a fast rate,but if you want to eat your chickens you will need a cockerel because you need fertile eggs,you could borrow one if you find the number of your local poultry club

i would suggest buying a book tho mate because theres more to it than meets the eye

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it would depend on how many eggs your gonna need,during spring/summer you should get one egg per bird per day as a guide

most chickens hardly lay in winter so id say 4,because youve got to give them plenty of room to run around,at least 5 mtrs long and 3mtrs wide.

happy chickens will lay you eggs

but get a book mate,theres lots to know about diet/diseases and so on.

good luck with that nice fresh eggs

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it sounds like you want eggs and chickens to eat,so i would suggest you get 4 rhode island reds,good layers(100 plus per year each)and pretty good to eat.

or a cuckoo maran(100 eggs per year)and better tasting than rhode island red

these are just suggestions and its entirely up to you but you wont go far wrong with the above

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Guest bullterrier

alright butch so your getting an allotments well done mate you wont look back have got two myself love it i have 12 black rock hens a poly tunnel greenhouses fruit trees and bushes the taste of the food that you have grown yourself is amazing try asking your council they will tell you were the allotments near you are and how much the rent his mate, :thumbs: ,,john

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