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emergency first aid

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just got in to the terriers towards the end of last season and going to geather up a basic

kit of sprays and stuff what are the best stuff to get i know thier is a blue spray but cant remember the name of it any help

would be appreciated cheers

Edited by gizmo
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the first thing to do is pick up your dog as soon as you can after breaking through,can't be stressed enough. Handle the dog as soon as you can, if it's in holds make sure you won't injure the dog by pulling it, a breaking stick is probably the handiest way to do it when starting out. you don't want to pull a dog that the fox is holding!


hold the dog securely and take it well away from the dig, holding it by the neck makes it more difficult for the terrier to catch it's breath and even cause them to faint.Tie the dog up well.


check it over well for general condition,cold,wet,shivering.Drying the dog,throwing a jacket around it or even just getting it close to a hedge can help it in rough conditions.


if any blood flow,and i mean flow, is controled by putting heavy finger pressure on that point,then it's pressure and paitence till it stops.

check inside the mouth,it can be packed tight with fur and dirt, or lips can get caught on a canine.

a few litres of clean water and a large syringe, 20ml without a needle are usefull now. saline solution would best best now but it's expensive,a tiny (tablespoon to a litre) of salt would be ok too. use the syringe to flush any punctures (check and double check for them) and again check for punctures inside the mouth.

basically you want to get any obvious dirt out of punctures

pull out the lower eyelids and flush them well with the syringe,dirt gets down deep in the eyes and hurts the next morning,espically if it's sandy.squeezing a cod liver oil capsule into the eye last thing at night helps them alot too.

now keep them warm and get them home


you might consider giving them, paracetmol for swelling control and pain relief.

also antibiotics if they are going to be given should be given as soon as possible,normally for a minimum of 3 days typically 3-5 days,better to give more than less.


feed the dog well and give a quick face wash after eating.for any of the washing you can use,detol,hibiscrub,betadine etc. but dilute well because at concentrated levels while they kill bacteria they can also damage the skin, extending healing time and scarring.


the very best spray bar none is Granulex v, try www.allivet.com for it. very nice gently spray that massively reduces scarring.use after washing, a little of the spray often is best.(have to thank GregD for that tip)

look after the good ones,


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  Bryan said:
the first thing to do is pick up your dog as soon as you can after breaking through,can't be stressed enough. Handle the dog as soon as you can, if it's in holds make sure you won't injure the dog by pulling it, a breaking stick is probably the handiest way to do it when starting out. you don't want to pull a dog that the fox is holding!


hold the dog securely and take it well away from the dig, holding it by the neck makes it more difficult for the terrier to catch it's breath and even cause them to faint.Tie the dog up well.


check it over well for general condition,cold,wet,shivering.Drying the dog,throwing a jacket around it or even just getting it close to a hedge can help it in rough conditions.


if any blood flow,and i mean flow, is controled by putting heavy finger pressure on that point,then it's pressure and paitence till it stops.

check inside the mouth,it can be packed tight with fur and dirt, or lips can get caught on a canine.

a few litres of clean water and a large syringe, 20ml without a needle are usefull now. saline solution would best best now but it's expensive,a tiny (tablespoon to a litre) of salt would be ok too. use the syringe to flush any punctures (check and double check for them) and again check for punctures inside the mouth.

basically you want to get any obvious dirt out of punctures

pull out the lower eyelids and flush them well with the syringe,dirt gets down deep in the eyes and hurts the next morning,espically if it's sandy.squeezing a cod liver oil capsule into the eye last thing at night helps them alot too.

now keep them warm and get them home


you might consider giving them, paracetmol for swelling control and pain relief.

also antibiotics if they are going to be given should be given as soon as possible,normally for a minimum of 3 days typically 3-5 days,better to give more than less.


feed the dog well and give a quick face wash after eating.for any of the washing you can use,detol,hibiscrub,betadine etc. but dilute well because at concentrated levels while they kill bacteria they can also damage the skin, extending healing time and scarring.


the very best spray bar none is Granulex v, try www.allivet.com for it. very nice gently spray that massively reduces scarring.use after washing, a little of the spray often is best.(have to thank GregD for that tip)

look after the good ones,


now thats what i call a well informd post well said bud i could not put it like :notworthy:

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Excellent advice Bryan: the only thing I would add is that when feeding an injured terrier, make sure to give it sloppy warm food: this is easier to eat and easier to digest than cold food. I generally give mine a sort of warm meaty soup as soon as I've cleaned them up: rehydrates them as well if they're feeling too tired and sore to want to drink water straight away. Later on in the evening I'll give them some more warm food though less runny. Just so they don't need to try and chew if their gums and mouth are very sore.

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