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Airedale pup from Redline working lines

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in the u.s. and canada the airedales hunt

coyote,bear,lion,boar,bobcat,coon,badger,otter,red fox,grey fox,beaver,pheasant,partridge,squirrel,

i think thats most of them but there may be others but they dont run deer out there

hope that helps


Edited by jrearthdog
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  jrearthdog said:
in the u.s. and canada the airedales hunt

coyote,bear,lion,boar,bobcat,coon,badger,otter,red fox,grey fox,beaver,pheasant,partridge,squirrel,

i think thats most of them but there may be others but they dont run deer out there

hope that helps



maybe not the beaver or otter unless they are wearing a snorkel

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both of them have been taken but not in water but they are not normally on a list of things to hunt but they have been taken by hunters , beaver do's not put up much of fight not like they would in water i dont know anybody that has taken one from water and otter is as everyware hard to find but can be hunted you have to get them to take cover in the banks ,treeroots,vegetation and have been hunted were i lived in canada

Edited by jrearthdog
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  Rocks said:
  jrearthdog said:

both of them have been taken but not in water but they are not normally on a list of things to hunt but they have been taken by hunters , beaver do's not put up much of fight not like they would in water i dont know anybody that has taken one from water and otter is as everyware hard to find but can be hunted you have to get them to take cover in the banks ,treeroots,vegetation and have been hunted were i lived in canada


so what you are saying is one of the few dog men in canada hunts with airdales and also hunts beaver and otter. on the rare chance they might see one that they can chase out of the water onto a bank for there dog. Well okay I believe that.



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  skycat said:
  Rocks said:
  jrearthdog said:

both of them have been taken but not in water but they are not normally on a list of things to hunt but they have been taken by hunters , beaver do's not put up much of fight not like they would in water i dont know anybody that has taken one from water and otter is as everyware hard to find but can be hunted you have to get them to take cover in the banks ,treeroots,vegetation and have been hunted were i lived in canada




Edited by Rocks
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I used an airedale for 2 years to retreive shot beaver>The dog worked great. I think thats what the guy is talking about.

I also had a red-line airedale.They are kinda of a jack of all trades master of none.They can run a track,retreive, and tree on game.Just not as good as a hound or a gun dog.All in all a fun dog to have around,just not experts at anything! :thumbs:

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  canuckcoyote1 said:
I used an airedale for 2 years to retreive shot beaver>The dog worked great. I think thats what the guy is talking about.

I also had a red-line airedale.They are kinda of a jack of all trades master of none.They can run a track,retreive, and tree on game.Just not as good as a hound or a gun dog.All in all a fun dog to have around,just not experts at anything! :thumbs:



Thanks for your input on this one. I am starting with my Airedale with no experience at all of the breed and its always useful to hear other people's opinions. I do know, from going on some of the US forums for hunting big game/coyotes and also other stuff. that Airedales are not what you would call 'cold trailers', though they can and will follow a scent up to 24 hours old.


I think that the 'fun' dog thing must be about right, for everyone I have spoken to in the States says the same thing: they are great dogs to have around, great companions and hunters too.


Bear in mind too that across the pond hunters need dogs that will find and follow a trail maybe well over 24 hours old, then put up that quarry, run it and either bring it to bay or kill it. That's why some hunters use Airedales alongside scent hounds: to bring the quarry down once it is in sight: that's if it's not a bear which has gone up a tree. That's what they mean by 'treeing' dogs. Ones that stand and bark at the base of the tree once the prey has gone up.


Certainly my pup is showing great character and personality already. These dogs are obviously very people orientated and wouldn't do well if they were shut in a kennel 24/7: but then again I'd never do that to any type of dog: you only get back from a dog what you put in!

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  jrearthdog said:
in the u.s. and canada the airedales hunt

coyote,bear,lion,boar,bobcat,coon,badger,otter,red fox,grey fox,beaver,pheasant,partridge,squirrel,

i think thats most of them but there may be others but they dont run deer out there

hope that helps



Lions???? Since when are there lions in Canada :icon_eek: PMSL :clapper:


I've known plenty of airdales over the years, but never met a working one. They're fab dogs and I've always admired their personality and looks. Best of luck with yours SC, looking forward to reading about the adventures :victory:

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  lurchergrrl said:
  jrearthdog said:
in the u.s. and canada the airedales hunt

coyote,bear,lion,boar,bobcat,coon,badger,otter,red fox,grey fox,beaver,pheasant,partridge,squirrel,

i think thats most of them but there may be others but they dont run deer out there

hope that helps



Lions???? Since when are there lions in Canada :icon_eek: PMSL :clapper:




Mountain lion, otherwise known as cougar.

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