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deleated post????

Guest spud.

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  midget thrower said:
shocking i signed up to this site thinking it was a hunting site :thumbdown:


Well it is a hunting site, and a very good one at that, and whats more the owner very reasonably asks that we adhere to just a couple of simple rules, like not posting about illegal activities, it is not rocket science.

This forum is open to the public and the powers that be, they do not need us to give them help in finding things to shut hunting in all it,s forms down, they are quite capabale of doing it themselves.

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Guest midget thrower
  Millet said:
  midget thrower said:
shocking i signed up to this site thinking it was a hunting site :thumbdown:

If you dont like the site it's quite an easy process to be unjoined..




didnt say i didnt enjoy it but if spuds roe buck was road kill what has he done illegal its only the 2nd day of me using this site and there seems to be loads of bitching going on if we are all genuine hunting people surely we shoould all be getting along there are far to many people who think they know it all and a lot of them know nothing at all and if you want to un join me millet seems as though your a mod then go ahead that will just make you look like a fool :wallbash:

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  mole trapper said:
  midget thrower said:
shocking i signed up to this site thinking it was a hunting site :thumbdown:


Well it is a hunting site, and a very good one at that, and whats more the owner very reasonably asks that we adhere to just a couple of simple rules, like not posting about illegal activities, it is not rocket science.

This forum is open to the public and the powers that be, they do not need us to give them help in finding things to shut hunting in all it,s forms down, they are quite capabale of doing it themselves.

well said mole trapper :victory: i think the mods are doing a fine job here and why dose it alway,s must be bragging about, roadkills ,preban kills we all now the deal about hunting and its consequensis there is a world of knowledge here lets keep it that way, and if you dont like it you can always go back to the midget throwing :big_boss: Edited by hollands hope
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Nah I'll unjoin you for being clueless, somethings are best kept to yourself... especially in the climate we live in, but we know some people are full of bravado, its just part and parcel of it...


Any images from now on of deer in this section will be removed, if they have not been shot or any mention of lamping them is obvious...

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Guest midget thrower
  spud. said:
theres no hunters on here its all pc hunters...haha



im maybes starting to think that way to i have used this site twice and dont see many positive comments genuine hunting lads should be sticking together dont think many on here do by the looks of it :wallbash:

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Guest midget thrower
  IanB said:
Nah I'll unjoin you for being clueless, somethings are best kept to yourself... especially in the climate we live in, but we know some people are full of bravado, its just part and parcel of it...


Any images from now on of deer in this section will be removed, if they have not been shot or any mention of lamping them is obvious...



talk about power crazy .........clueless i have been in this game for 18 years and probably killed more than most i probably have more knowledge of dogs than most of you seems though i come from a massive greyhound racing and breeding family and my family have bred some of the best in england end of if you want to unjoin me ian b go ahead its bad when the owner of a site puts posts up like that to many of you lot are far to up each others arses

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  spud. said:
theres no hunters on here its all pc hunters...haha
there is lots of real hunters on here mate before you post you should carefully think about what and how your going to right your topic as this will will either get your topic left or removed all deers and foxes hares etc have to be shot before your dog can retrieve them
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  midget thrower said:
talk about power crazy .........clueless i have been in this game for 18 years and probably killed more than most i probably have more knowledge of dogs than most of you seems though i come from a massive greyhound racing and breeding family and my family have bred some of the best in england end of if you want to unjoin me ian b go ahead its bad when the owner of a site puts posts up like that to many of you lot are far to up each others arses


Thing is if you really had a clue you wouldn't be slating genuine people who care about our sport, coming on a public internet site and posting images of dogged deer taken under lamplight isn't very clever is it??? I've been there don't worry, so have thousands of others its no big deal is it, why the urge to post them, keep them to yourself, people think there bullet proof well there not as a few members have found out in the past with foolish posts???


You might think its harsh, were not thinking of ourselves were thinking of everyone whos involved in the site and fieldsports...

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