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  Coneytrappr said:
I had an in depth debate with some mates over this, we ended up doing a bit of research into it.

My initial reaction was that the artist deserved to be hung drawn and quartered, prefferably whilst still fully conscious...but then I got a different perspective.

The dog was chained in the gallery for two days. It had been tied starving in the street for much longer and people had walked past it without giving the poor thing food or water for who knows how long.

It's organs had already begun to shut down when he took the dog and put it in the gallery- it was going to die regardless. It could have died unnoticed in the street. By putting it in the gallery he at least ensured that people did notice it; and if the horror the sight of the miserable thing evoked in people inspired even two people to take in a street dog? Then that dog's inevitable death at least made things better for some others.


If the artist had taken a healthy dog and allowed it to starve to death in the gallery over a few weeks then I think that would be inexcusable. But the one he took was already doomed. No amount of vet care could have saved it, according to one article I read.

I think it says more about the cruelty of society than it does that one particular artist. Perfectly acceptable to walk past the poor dog tied in the street but as soon as it's moved inside and called 'art' those same people went beserk and called it's fate a monstrosity....they are hypocrites.



I don't want to shoot the artist.

I would like to shoot the people who tied it up outside in the firstplace, and the people who walked past it whilst it still could have been helped. Unforgiveable.


It would have been humane to have taken the dog from the street & had it put to sleep , not subject it to another 2 days of being ignored

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  mackem said:






anyone can edit add things to wikipedia, i wonder?


Also the wikipedia date of birth of the artist makes him 33......previously it was stated he was 50?


Wikipedia is only as reliable as whoever put the info up there!

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and this from the Guardian newspaper website


Juanita Bermúdez, director of the Códice Gallery, insisted Natividad escaped after just one day. She said: 'It was untied all the time except for the three hours the exhibition lasted and it was fed regularly with dog food Habacuc himself brought in.'

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  Kay said:
Well what evers correct or not the dog shouldnt have been gawped at & it should have been humanly put to sleep to end its suffering


Kay I agree! And the awful thing is the proposal for this to happen again. So far there are 522,572 signatures to say that this shouldn't happen again so please let's keep signing to say no.







Trish x

Edited by Trish_1967
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