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Hi all,

this is a very serious matter...


In the 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, he tied him to a rope in an art gallery, starving him to death.


For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died.














Does it look like art to you?


But this is not all ... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American decided that the 'installation' was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008.



Let's STOP HIM!!!!!


Click on the following link :





Please do it.


It's free of charge and it will only take 1 minute to save the life of an innocent creature.


If you want to double check all the above informations you can google the name of the 'artist' to see all I have just said corresponds to truth.

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Oh right so let me get this straight. I'm just back from a quick bit of lamping where my dog caught a bunny that he retrieved live to hand and I despatched cleanly within about 30 seconds of the chase starting. The dogs are now tucked up in their run with a bowl of venison and warm milky water so that means I'M THE CRUEL ONE BECAUSE I LIKE TO HUNT BUT THIS C#NT IS ALLOWED TO DO WHAT HE F#CKIN WANTS COS IT'S ART!!!!

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what the f**k happened to painting bowls of fruit and naked women?


just done a bit of google search on the prick and came across this



Here is a part of his original [most recent] statement:"Hello everyone. My name is Guillermo Habacuc Vargas. I am 50 years old and an artist. Recently, I have been critisized for my work titled "Eres lo que lees", which features a dog named Nativity. The purpose of the work was not to cause any type of infliction on the poor, innocent creature, but rather to illustrate a point. In my home city of San Jose, Costa Rica, tens of thousands of stray dogs starve and die of illness each year in the streets and no one pays them a second thought.


Now, if you publicly display one of these starving creatures, such as the case with Nativity, it creates a backlash that brings out a big of hypocrisy in all of us. Nativity was a very sick creature and would have died in the streets anyway.

Edited by speedlamper
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Fecking sick!!


There is no need for that at all,...cant even say what I really feel!! :censored: I hate my dogs looking at me when I`m eating but I`d happily starve to see that poor dog live,....really pissed off,..put a 20 sec vid of a ferret bolting a bunnie and being dispaced on youtube and your hated all over the world!!


Was anything ever done about this?? Maybe the antis on here could maybe turn to something worth while but then again maybe thats a bit to much for yous IDIOTS!!

Edited by lukey
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