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couple a questions.ive just took the dogs off complete n put em on meat rice veg bran a bit of lard with some sa37 on top [bANNED TEXT] i want to no is does it matter if i give em cooked meat or is it better raw and can i get away with frozen mixed veg or does it have to be fresh n if it has to be fresh do i have to cook it or can they have it raw. :good:

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Guest chilli

Good Veggies' & Fruits to Feed

(Foods you can feel good about feeding. Add lots of green leafy vegetables)


Romaine (COS) Lettuce - High nutritional value

Ice Berg Lettuce - has no nutritional value but is OK to feed. You can use

as a filler.

Tomatoes (avoid the leaves and stems) -

Carrots - These are high in sugars so be careful

Celery - Not much nutritional value but is a good diuretic.

Bok Choy -


Oranges -

Apples (not the seeds) -


Bananas -

Alfalpha Sprouts -

Bell Peppers (Capsicum) - red, green and yellow

Fresh Pumpkin (not the canned pie filling) -

Silver Beat -

Beet Root -

Kale -

Cilantro -

Mustard Greens -

Dandelions -


Yams -

Sweet Potatoes -

Asparagus -

Jicama (remove skin) -

Parsnip -

Turnips -

Sprouts -


Caution Veggies' & Fruits

(Foods you can feed but with cautions)

Garlic - fed in small amounts is very beneficial for your dog. It is

considered natures antibiotic. However, to much can cause anemia and upset

stomach. So when making your veggie mix, use 1-3 cloves but no more.

Grapes / raisins- (in high amounts) Dogs exhibit gastrointestinal problems,

including vomiting and diarrhea and then signs of kidney failure with an

onset of severe kidney signs starting about 24 hours after ingestion of the

grapes or raisins.

Eggplant - OK to feed the fruit but avoid any other parts. They can cause

upset stomach, drooling, lethargy, heart failure

Avocados (& leaves) - Stay away from the leaves. The fruit part is OK to

feed in small amounts.

Spinach, Swiss Chard, and Rhubarb - OK in small amounts. While these are not

toxic, they are high in oxalic acid, a compound that interferes with calcium

absorption, so don't feed these very often.

Cabbage/Broccoli/Cauliflower - OK to feed in small amounts but may cause

gas. If fed frequently and in large amounts these will depress the thyroid.

Potatoes -

Cautions: If your dog is diabetic or has arthritis and has/had cancer then

you may want to stay away from underground veggies because they convert to

starch/sugar which aggravates arthritis. Cancer cells also thrive on sugars.


Bad Veggies' & Fruits

(Foods to be avoided all together)

Onions & (onion powder) - upset stomach, and can cause Heinz body anemia.

i feed them raw blitzed in the food processor with a little oil, the mix

should be like slop.

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A good rule to go by is feed all the veg that grows above ground  :yes: leave out all the one that grow in the earth theyre hard for the dog to digest  ;)



there is nothing wrong with feeding veges from below ground....

As a rule veges grown above the ground eg cabbage,cauli etc are stool loosening and those grown under ground eg carrot are stool firming

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A good rule to go by is feed all the veg that grows above ground  :yes: leave out all the one that grow in the earth theyre hard for the dog to digest  ;)



there is nothing wrong with feeding veges from below ground....

As a rule veges grown above the ground eg cabbage,cauli etc are stool loosening and those grown under ground eg carrot are stool firming


Ye that was it ;) cant remember where i read it now but thought it a usefull thing to remember .. shame i rememberd it rong :11:

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Guest craftycarper

So rabbit is fed raw, just strip the carcass and mince the meat?

What weight ratio of meat to size of dog do you recomend as i have just got a x whippet.

I presume meals can be made up of fresh meat into bags of correct weight and then frozen, then its just a case of defrosting every morning

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