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Guest basil46
If you have the land for an FAC then go for that aswell, shotgun certs dont require land just a good reason.

E.g, If you apply for both you will need a letter from a landownder saying you have permission to shoot on his land and with the rifle you want. A good reason could be destruction of vermin or fox.

A good reason for your shotguns could be clay shooting, rough shooting and vermin control.

As long as you have the land, the reason and the security then you should have no problems getting both at the same time, however, it may be easier and more beneficial for you if you have your shotgun certificate for a while first as it shows you have experience with firearms.



But he has experience, just not the right sort!!

You have nothing to lose by trying mate. Just be honest on your application, after all, twenty years is a long time.


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soory mate dont mean to hijack this but got a quick quistion...


can 3/4 and full choke be used on game.. e.g. rabbit pigeon crow.


cheers lads


all the best

It most certainly can but it tends to be more difficult to shoot things with it and means that in most circumstances you have more shot in the meat.



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FEO is going to recommend I have certs. :rocker: but says it will take around 6 weeks :cray:


nice one mate told you all will be fine. my dad had his visit today for shotgun grant the flo was sound and i fitted my dads cabinet last night for him ready for today the flo checked it and said he will get the ticket in 2 weeks which is good as my dad sent it off 14 september 2006 !


he checked my rifles and cabinet when here :whistling: he wasnt going to but i asked him to as when i got my fac and had a visit from the old flo my cabinet wasnt fitted. yet i told him i would asap yet the fac still came though.


he said he was going to come back but never did ! so i wanted the new flo to see it was all safe and sound.


i was abit cheeky to and asked if i could have open ticket :D:laugh:

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