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  damashaman said:
The dog with the treatment kills off ALL the fleas in the kennel because they don't just stay on the one host, they have a drink and die! When the eggs hatch the same happens again and so on. How can you explain the miracle of no fleas on both dogs after a severe infestation on both? troll e lolly loll :duh:


so are you saying that if one animals treated then that animal has all the other animals fleas gagging to get on the animal thats been treated including all eggs previously laid in bedding or carpet , how do the fleas know to go to the animal thats been treated with fiprinol please ?

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Ive been putting garlic flakes in the water bowls in the run and i cant remember the last time i saw a flea on one of the dogs but they still get the odd tick

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Damashaman is correct the new Frontline is a Combo flea treatment, it not only kills the fleas on the dog it also treats the dog's environment...in an ideal world the Frontline would be on both dogs, but the fleas will be killed on the untreated dog as fleas only stay on the host for a short time each day..the go on to feed and then come off either into the environment or lay dormant whilst the blood is being aborbed. In the old style Frontline it only treated the dog, not the environment, but this new combo does eradicate the need to treat the house/car/kennel..and from what Damashaman is saying..an other dog also. Its worth always bearing in mind that if your dog has fleas you must also worm against Tapeworms as fleas and Tape infestations go hand in hand..Drontal Plus is the best treatment for tape and roundworm.

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  damashaman said:
Now garlic is hocus pocus methods, Apple cider vinigar is meant to have the same effect but I AM a sceptic with these methods.

Apple Cider Vinegar is used on poultry as a preventative treatment,but not cure for worms.It works by making the gut "hostile" to the worms by raising the acid levels.My old man always gave it to his hens and dogs,both as a wormer and tonic. :thumbs:

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  tote said:
  redmoor said:
.Drontal Plus is the best treatment for tape and roundworm.


Milbemax tablets are supposedly the best wormers on the market. :yes:


Spot on there Tote,Milbemax are the best but not available without prescription.Milbemax treats all worms,Drontal only treats Tapeworm,and Roundworm. :thumbs:

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