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The Dream.........lol........I like it!


As usual when you decide to post Mr Froggit, its a good one............


I understand fully where you are coming from, what I am saying is that it is (IMHO) allways right to set your standards high..........you may not get there, but if you dont aim high you will decend into lazyness.

Very soon, you will then start to accept second best.........never let anyone else be as hard on you as you are on yourself.


Now my dogs are good in some ways and down right crap in others...........should I accept these failings in my dogs?


To my mind the awnser is NO!..........IMHO, I should strive to improve these failings (some would call it putting the work in) and reap any rewards.

ONLY when all avenues are exausted and I think I am flogging the proverbial dead horse should I move on........otherwise the failing is mine.


Just my take on things


P.S. Take no notice of Darcy.........he is a homo! :tongue2:

Edited by WILF
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Good to have you back Selwyn, ;):tongue2: , You know the bitch we are on about and you have dug her I think you would agree on whats been said, if everybody strove to breed dogs like her and culled when neccesary there would be a lot less shit about, but I dont need to tell you that, and as far as nitro powder goes, I know a kennel that could do with smelling some.

What dream would one be living dear boy please enlighten, dreams are for those who dont live in reality unfortunately I do although at this moment in time I wish I was tucked away in a small welsh village somewhere where nobody could find me.


And I think Darcy was calling wilf a brown nose, not like you to get something mixed up :o

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And I think Darcy was calling wilf a brown nose, not like you to get something mixed up :o


:clapper: I don't blame you Selwyn, i understand that your a bit frustrated at present seeing as though all the ewes are spurning yoiur amorous intentions.......... :clapper:



An easy mistake for a gentleman to make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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