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daystate huntsman

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hi all got a old daystate huntsman qc .22 .the seals are leaking and who had it befeore has modified it to be very powerfull.am wanting to send it back to get put back to factory settings you think thay will.??



Unless you have it on a FAC the answer is 110% NO!


Reading between the line you are sitting on a 5 year jail term!

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I am sure they will but i bet you pay through the nose. Give them a ring and talk to somebody in technical. That way you will know for sure.

Be carefull though, You say it has been modified to be powerfull so at a guess it is over 12ft lb, Which in that case its illegal unless you have a FAC.

Be carefull if daystate will not restore it for you because you will be left holding an illegal rifle.

Hope this helps.

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Id reccomend giving them a call first, ive always found them great to deal with and are very heplfull.


Just dont give any personal details at first (due to you having an illegal rifle) in case they are obliged to inform the law etc.


The worst they can do is say no.



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