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Moles UK Directory

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How are you proposing to alternate the search results?.......


If you have 5 registered mole trappers in say the surrey area and a customer types in the postcode and it returns 5 search results how are you going to give everyone the same exposure?


I am not having a dig :thumbs: but I advertise in a local publication under 10,000 circulation and there is a rival firm that seems to be on the front page all the frigging time, I know you cant pay extra to get that spot, so have you got any plans should this sort of thing arise ;)

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  RatSnatcher said:
How are you proposing to alternate the search results?.......


If you have 5 registered mole trappers in say the surrey area and a customer types in the postcode and it returns 5 search results how are you going to give everyone the same exposure?


I am not having a dig :thumbs: but I advertise in a local publication under 10,000 circulation and there is a rival firm that seems to be on the front page all the frigging time, I know you cant pay extra to get that spot, so have you got any plans should this sort of thing arise ;)


Valid point and we been in long discussions about this, one was alphabetical, I was not happy with that, ABC company will always be first. So we thought a rotation of names. The customer comes in see five members your at the top, next customer comes in your bottom and then go back up to the top after each customer visit, complicated to achieve? Customer feed back? Your scored on your feedback, could work but you could end up with 3 members with equal feedback, so nothing resolved. Let the database random select, making sure each member has same exposure, this seems the way forward but would need time to impliment, so we could do it manually to begin with but they is room for human error, we are human and could forget to rotate, I being honest. or first come first served till the database took over, We are taking this very seriously and work is ongoing and that is the truth, but we will get it right be assured of that, and exposure will be made equal to all. It was a excellent and fair question, we are adults so I did not take it as a dig. Constructive is the way forward. Hope this answers your question?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Scored on ye Feedback? Would it not be fairer to hide everyones Feedback till they all at least have one? Otherwise, John - what ever his position in the line up - with a single Feedback will catch the eye over Tony, Mick and Tom, simply because they've not yet had a job / Feedback. It'd look as it John's the guy to go for; After all, look: He has that glowing Feedback.


Purely an unbiased observation, of course. I genuinely Am in Co. Leitrim, Eire. Not a lot of mole work to be had here! :D

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
Scored on ye Feedback? Would it not be fairer to hide everyones Feedback till they all at least have one? Otherwise, John - what ever his position in the line up - with a single Feedback will catch the eye over Tony, Mick and Tom, simply because they've not yet had a job / Feedback. It'd look as it John's the guy to go for; After all, look: He has that glowing Feedback.


Purely an unbiased observation, of course. I genuinely Am in Co. Leitrim, Eire. Not a lot of mole work to be had here! :D


Agree DS I too also thought the way you have, and that was one of the reasons it was dismissed. It would be more benifical if the feedback was about the service that Moles UK members provided, then all members would benifit.


Appreciate your input.

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Call me a cynic, but I just don't see the point in this. What are you offering that the other 'traditional' molecatching club isn't?


Another thing is this:


4 Only traps that are UK approved will be used


Thats going to limit things somewhat, given there are no 'approved' traps in the UK. Mole traps are exempt from the Spring Trap Approval Orders, so this is just silly.

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  Matt the Rat said:
Call me a cynic, but I just don't see the point in this. What are you offering that the other 'traditional' molecatching club isn't?


Another thing is this:


4 Only traps that are UK approved will be used


Thats going to limit things somewhat, given there are no 'approved' traps in the UK. Mole traps are exempt from the Spring Trap Approval Orders, so this is just silly.




British made traps, saves folk buying the usless imported crap. If a member states he wants a british made trap and is sold a cheap import, and the member does not know this and the trap fails to operate properly, he contacts us we take up his case.


We are offering a lot more than the BTMR, a lot, lot more. Only members get work not non members, we allow the 2 legal methods of control not just traditional, you only get offered the type of work you want to cover, Domestic.................., You get work in your area not offered work in areas miles away, help with marketing, pricing, etc etc, we only charge once for the set up then just £10, you gat a web page, annual accounts, see where your money is being spent, the list goes on.


Let me just clear up the postal code section a few have emailed me about.


I cover most of North Yorkshire and the main of my work is the North York Moors very, very rural I can cover it all with just 4 post codes.


Just YO18 alone covers a huge area, so its the first 4 numbers of the post code area that we need, not what the customer would type in, YO18 7AJ.


Punters enter YO18 7AJ


YO18 7JW


YO18 8EA




System is only searching on YO18. It records whole entered postcode for analysis to come later.




YO18 = 90p (1 postcode area)


YO60 = 90p (1 postcode area)


YO62 = 90p (1 postcode area)






Postcode areas should be submitted in priority sequence 1-6 etc


Molecatcher 1 Molecatcher 2




1. YO18 1.YO60


2. YO60 2.YO18


3. YO62 3.YO62








Customer enters postcode YO18 7AJ




List shows: 1. Molecatcher 1


2. Molecatcher 2




If customer enters YO60 7HE


List shows: 1. Molecatcher 2


2. Molecatcher 1






If customer enters YO62 7HG




List shows: 1. Molecatcher 1


2. Molecatcher 2


Arranged alphabetically in this case as both molecatchers gave same priority to YO60



I hope this helps.


My last post on this, as this has taken up enough space of this great forum. I thank all concerned, any more questions email me at admin@molesuk.co.uk


Many thanks for the interest and input. Time for me to get some work done.

Edited by Tyke
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  Matt the Rat said:
British made traps, saves folk buying the usless imported crap


What, like the Talpex?


Sorry, but I'm yet to be convinced.


Ok we took on board your doubts as well as others, though a few have signed on. We have discussed it, we want to prove this will work and better for members to have a voice when the new laws on mole trapping kick in, by personal experience the powers that be will listen to a association then a lot of lone voices.


So here is the final offer for membership.


First year = £5


Each year there after £10 ( you can pull out after first year )


free 6 postal codes 00.90p each additional one.


Free members forum, password protected


No members personal web page, ( unless someone wants one for £10 ) no free legal advice or pricing templates, contracts etc, no moleuk.co.uk email addresses or holiday cover, no members page, etc etc


You must have public liability also a valid pass certificate if using gas, proof will be sought.


Must be mole controlling part time or full time and charging money, not doing it for a bit of shooting, etc.


One customer complaint and your out no refund.


Adhere to all legistation


This lightens our work load so we no need to charge for it.


Application to admin@molesuk.co.uk then you will be given joining details.


Those who have paid in full will be refunded.


£5 what you got to lose.

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The main contention that I would have is that the public must be able to access this stuff very very easily.I have a very catchy ad(So I'm told by the odd customers that actually stumbled across it) for my services somewhere on the web.After being told that "everyone does it on the web nowadays" by the salesman for the Trade directory I joined .Blooming waste of time because the site is not visible or promoted enough .

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  comanche said:
The main contention that I would have is that the public must be able to access this stuff very very easily.I have a very catchy ad(So I'm told by the odd customers that actually stumbled across it) for my services somewhere on the web.After being told that "everyone does it on the web nowadays" by the salesman for the Trade directory I joined .Blooming waste of time because the site is not visible or promoted enough .


Already being promoted in Google ads, and yes it will be hard copied marketed, but not as big a ad as was intended. And the site is very simple to use i'm sure you would agree.


Ok I really do have to get some work done, last post on this.




Thanks everyone.

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Ok, for a fiver i'll take a punt. Where do i send cheque?

My only other worry would be complaints. Ive been to 2 jobs so far and the customers have been bona-fide nutters! The last i had to run from the house shi*ting myself, one complaint from these would mean getting outed through no fault of your own.

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ok been following this with intrest, at first i thought it was good, :o but with the same resavations as matt. the fact there is already an organisation.


but now its just a £5 from £50, now im suspicious :o

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Personally an organisation such as this would be no use to me at all. Most advertising directories work on the assumption that people are always looking for work (naturally). I am in the fortunate position where i can pick and choose my mole jobs and i turn down as much work as i accept. Where i can i pass on the unwanted work to local "pesties"who benefit from my good fortune.

For people not so inundated with work as me, they (COULD) benefit if the volume of work was forthcoming, but mole work hot-spots are few and far between so it would still be a gamble....but Hey.....for a fiver what have you got to loose?




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  TOMO said:
ok been following this with intrest, at first i thought it was good, :o but with the same resavations as matt. the fact there is already an organisation.


but now its just a £5 from £50, now im suspicious :o


Complaints would be investigated before any action taken, I understand where your coming from, I turned down a job yesterday cause I had a gut feeling that they were not all there.


£5 is to get the ball rolling to prove to the doubters it will work, we done the database so need to cover some of the outlay, we nothing to hide.

As I say not twisiting anyones arm, contact admin@molesuk.co.uk for membership details.


My last post on this guys, you can like it or not like the directory the freedom of choice is yours. Thanks for all the feedback some lessons have been learnt from it.

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