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new hutch and new ferrets

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G'day guys,


I completed the hutch and got my 2 new jills yesterday morning and thought I would just say thanks to all the guys who gave me the advice and here are some pics. It is 6x2x2 foot top and bottom, the top is sleeping and the bottom is play. The only thing I need to know now is where to put the food water and litter tray top or bottom I am assuming you would'nt put the food and water on the same level as the litter tray but I could be wrong and am open to sujestions.





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You have made a smashing job of that :yes:

I would place the food and water at the bottom right hand side, but you could also fix a drink bottle

at the top right hand side too, just at the top of the ramp.

Once again very well done, nice job


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thats the first thing i thought stubby.that the bottom right would be the latrine... top right hand corner for grub. :thumbs:


Nice set up and got to agree with posted coments

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