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Agent Provocateur

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And just how long do you think it'll take for that pheasant in a gin to appear on the anti websites? It's not always about convictions as they use crap like that to turn public opinion and it's all taken out of context. You ever seen the Digging Out website? They use pictures of lads digging badgers in Germany...where it's perfectly legal...and insinuate the pics were taken here.

So at the end of the day, if the anti's want pics, they will get them!



But we can counter those accusations...no sense in giving them more ammunition to fire at us.

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'' Pictures speak a thousand words'' is something the antis use against us time and time again. sad fact of the matter is it doesnt matter if those thousand words are lies and bullshit, they will believed.

Regardless of if a picture is staged or not it can and will be used against us, a bit like fish's pic there.


look at same pic with the following words ' local poachers and criminals are found to be useing illegal traps to trap pheasants'

we all know the pic was staged, but what of those that dont? all a bit to much of a shocking pic when tagged with that headline, even more so when it appears in some sunday morning paper to be read by those of us lucky enough to be living in middle england.


' Judas lived his life by guile and lies, befriending those who saw no wrong in his manner or his actions. Befriending the friendly and helping the weak to gain station umoung those he saw to destroy. slowly he waited with the patiants of a saint till the time was right to show the dealer his deadly hand. Not that his hand was a strong hand or that of a winning hand, just those sitting at the same table as he gave away their hand through their actions and babblings'


That was an excerpt from a piece i wrote over 20yrs ago whilst on detention in an english class, seems very apt me thinks?

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Judas lived his life by guile and lies, befriending those who saw no wrong in his manner or his actions. Befriending the friendly and helping the weak to gain station umoung those he saw to destroy. slowly he waited with the patiants of a saint till the time was right to show the dealer his deadly hand. Not that his hand was a strong hand or that of a winning hand, just those sitting at the same table as he gave away their hand through their actions and babblings'


That was an excerpt from a piece i wrote over 20yrs ago whilst on detention in an english class, seems very apt me thinks?


Very Apt MC :clapper:......


Pictures weather staged or not can be pretty Damning and inciminateing if taken the wrong way or placed in the wrong Environment. we've all seen it time and time again when people stage UFO or GHOST sightings which a Majority of people won't beleive, but there will always be a Minority that are beleivers that will and spread the word :yes:.....


The game we're all in these days is always under scrutiny! we're always under the spotlight not for the good we do in Conservation and other cataogories but any Practices misinterpreted these days will always be big news and pushed hard by Anti's and the like to enforce more Bans.


Although its Obviouse your picture is staged Fish Fish because you told us! in the wrong Hands it would be blown clean out of proportion without any mention of this being set up, expecially from the Organisations against us. people in the past have faced prosecution useing photo evidence weather exagerated or not and lost their cases which says it all really! I wouldn't be surprised one bit its already circulated and made to look as a gennuine illegal act......



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Am i picking this up right, not meaning you dogs and natives, but the A.P. being someone who asks show us your terriers lurchers, draw dogs etc, or can we fight the ban, or f**k the ban ,show us youre bullxs, then obtaining pics etc and using them for ANOTHER PURPOSE. Exposing hunters and tarring them with the same brush to be used maybe for say future gain to further THEIR aim.


Yes, their aim is to get photos of illegal activities so they can publish them elsewhere to hurt all types of hunting. Remember member Guevara? He's posted on the A.L.F. website.



I've a feeling that Guevera is still on here. I won't name names, but there's a member who seems to be posting threads just to get a reaction.

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so in lay mans terms what this post is saying is that some of the mouthiest most read authors on the site could well be, dare i say it..stinking grass's?? rspca?? anti's?? or even the police!!! :hmm::yes: ...i have wondered why some of the gob shite's havnt replied to this post????.......its a strange old world and it just keeps on getting stranger 8):cry:;)

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so in lay mans terms what this post is saying is that some of the mouthiest most read authors on the site could well be, dare i say it..stinking grass's?? rspca?? anti's?? or even the police!!! :hmm::yes: ...i have wondered why some of the gob shite's havnt replied to this post????.......its a strange old world and it just keeps on getting stranger 8):cry:;)



very true there woz :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Oi troutbrains.............they will make the picture fit whatever text they write.........thats why I had a go about the nonsense on your own forum...........shite like that will kill us off for good in no time.

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Guest JohnGalway
I've a feeling that Guevera is still on here. I won't name names, but there's a member who seems to be posting threads just to get a reaction.


I'd quite agree. I shot another of his names today :yes:

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Guest ripstop
Who was Guearva? what did he do




Led the Cuban Guerrillas :laugh:



Thankyou for that input :notworthy: no seriously did he cause bother on here, if so then not sure whether i was a member then or not.

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Guest JohnGalway
Who was Guearva? what did he do, Oh and it isnt me by the way.


He'd come on, post YouTube videos and make stupid comments thereby provoking people into vigourous arguments and wind ups. He'd also put up posts that looked like they were asking for advice then slip into illegal territory etc. It was all aimed at getting people to agree with illegal stuff and causing fights between people. There are a few people on here now quite good at spotting him ;) He's had a few names on here. He'll be back, and I'll be here to shoot him :yes:

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Guest ripstop
Who was Guearva? what did he do, Oh and it isnt me by the way.


He'd come on, post YouTube videos and make stupid comments thereby provoking people into vigourous arguments and wind ups. He'd also put up posts that looked like they were asking for advice then slip into illegal territory etc. It was all aimed at getting people to agree with illegal stuff and causing fights between people. There are a few people on here now quite good at spotting him ;) He's had a few names on here. He'll be back, and I'll be here to shoot him :yes:

Thanks Mr.Galloway, got a few ideas who it might be :whistling: .

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WILF is right, how much do people on here actually want to prove that they have killed. The majority of people who genuinely use this site will know when things dont add up. The pictures which are posted on this site are asking to be used by the anti's who will change them to show things in their favour.

As we post this and continue to post pictures of sometimes dubious acts on here, the anti's could be preparing a case file for use against all aspects of our sport.

Shouting F**K the Ban and then following it up with evidence to prove the ban is being ignored is just aiding them further.

And as for giving the Mods a hard time when they use their discretion to remove posts which show illegal acts, they have a job to do in respect of keeping this site going for the benefit of those members who use this site to gain and share knowledge and information. Popular revolt against a law is not going to get it changed as the process provides the opposition with enough evidence to counter every argument which is put forward.

As the saying goes a picture says a thousand words, think of it the other way around a dubious picture puts another nail in the coffin of fieldsports. A carefully written piece on your activities will be of benefit to all as well as a good read.



Remember Out of Sight is Out of Mind. A public forum is not the place.

Well said, :yes:

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