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Agent Provocateur

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Guest dog on
then surely the only thing to do to safe guard this forum is \\ONLY ALLOW PICS OF RABBITS AND RATS WITH DOGS PRESENT .AND DEER FOX ECT WITH A PICS OF GUNS ONLY //that way there cant be any arguments of any discription

I agree completely as do others on here,

All the pics should either include a legal means of despatch or not be posted at all. As you say, dogs with rabbits or rats and foxes, deer and any other quarry with a firearm,

then why is it not done .it would be a simple and perfect answer

Common sense really, but as we all know common sense aint all that common!

i think if the mods were that concernd it would have been niped in the bud a long time ago

any responce from the mods on this
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There are new people joining all the time and most don't bother to read the rules so nipping it in the bud is a daily job in most cases. Despite there being a few mods, our time is finite and we sometimes don't get to read everything so things do slip through.

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I was lucky enough to attend a talk night by the North Wales WTLC last night, the speaker was a Veterinarian and hunting Lawyer.

Throughout his very informative talk on all aspects of hunting and the hunting act, he could not emphasize enough the 'dangers' of photography and film both to the individual and to hunting in general.

He has delt with so many cases where the prosection has used seemingly 'harmless' photos (two lurchers marking a hole....."Marking badgers to be dug"!!) to try and convict...... Talk about a wake-up call. :icon_eek:

Though lets face it, its nothing we already don't know!! Throughout his talk I could only think about this forum, all to easy on here to assume your in like minded company and get caught up in a moment when posting. God only knows what will be done with some of the photos posted.


My thanks to the NWWTLC for a good evening in their company. :signthankspin:

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Guest dog on
I was lucky enough to attend a talk night by the North Wales WTLC last night, the speaker was a Veterinarian and hunting Lawyer.

Throughout his very informative talk on all aspects of hunting and the hunting act, he could not emphasize enough the 'dangers' of photography and film both to the individual and to hunting in general.

He has delt with so many cases where the prosection has used seemingly 'harmless' photos (two lurchers marking a hole....."Marking badgers to be dug"!!) to try and convict...... Talk about a wake-up call. :icon_eek:

Though lets face it, its nothing we already don't know!! Throughout his talk I could only think about this forum, all to easy on here to assume your in like minded company and get caught up in a moment when posting. God only knows what will be done with some of the photos posted.


My thanks to the NWWTLC for a good evening in their company. :signthankspin:

this is a point im trying to make where are these pics being used and what proof do they show.and what conviction rate are the courts finding because of pics .i would think none .and joe public see pic of bull fighting ect but they are not up in arms about it or any other sick things like killing baby seals .the only people taking notice are the groups like the antis .and we are the only group of people that are realy taking notice of whats on this forum .exept for some posible antis.im not saying put up pics of what you want im saying every body is geting paranoid,and befor long only PM,s will be sent.so lighten up a bit .after all pedeophiles are not convicted of sex with kids because they got pics on their computers they are convicted of posesing illeagle pics .or downloading pics .and at the moment pics of shooting and hunting is not in this catagory but if we start hiding them it might change things around . Edited by dog on
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Basically it seems if the Photo or film fits the crime or not these days if it looks suspiciouse or showing Illegal content then its going to end up in the wrong hands, be it Authority or general Anti's you can pretty much Gurantee it will be blown clean out of proportion....


It was brought to my attention a good while ago by a very reliable source that evidence in the past has been collected from this forum to help in a prosecution, its just a case of being sensible! Big Brother is watching over us all the time :secret:......



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Guest JohnGalway
we are the only group of people that are realy taking notice of whats on this forum


No offence Dog on but you're being either very trusting or very naieve with that statement :yes: A photograph here is interpreted by us in one way, as whatever form of hunting. Take that photo from here, place it elsewhere with a banner of cruelty over it and ordinary folks, who I believe well outnumber hunters in the UK, will see that. What they will take from that twisted and spun message it up to the individual, but, ask yourself the question, does that help your case or any others on this site?


Hunters are NOT the only people paying attention to what is going on here.

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Guest dog on
There are new people joining all the time and most don't bother to read the rules so nipping it in the bud is a daily job in most cases. Despite there being a few mods, our time is finite and we sometimes don't get to read everything so things do slip through.
then if some slip through and new people post without realising just PM them with a warning if done again you will be band from site for a while or alltogher it should make them think twice about doing it again and they might read the rules .
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Guest dog on
we are the only group of people that are realy taking notice of whats on this forum


No offence Dog on but you're being either very trusting or very naieve with that statement :yes: A photograph here is interpreted by us in one way, as whatever form of hunting. Take that photo from here, place it elsewhere with a banner of cruelty over it and ordinary folks, who I believe well outnumber hunters in the UK, will see that. What they will take from that twisted and spun message it up to the individual, but, ask yourself the question, does that help your case or any others on this site?


Hunters are NOT the only people paying attention to what is going on here.

this forum is new to me .how long has it been runing and how many ileagal pics have been posted and how many of these pics have been used on banners and posters .is it happening or are we waiting for it to happen .because if we are waiting for it to happen .then for the sake of hunting and field sports we should not have sites for the antis to get amunision from should we
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Guest JohnGalway
this forum is new to me .how long has it been runing and how many ileagal pics have been posted and how many of these pics have been used on banners and posters .is it happening or are we waiting for it to happen .because if we are waiting for it to happen .then for the sake of hunting and field sports we should not have sites for the antis to get amunision from should we


I'm only a mod since February this year Dog on so I wouldn't have those details. Off the top of my head, I have had to moderate five people this week, who were involved in posting two illegal photographs. Going back to February then the number is in double figures for me only.


I do know that a photo was taken from another site I'm a member on. It was of a fox who had been head shot with a .243 I think. It turned up on an anti hunting site and the story went roughly like this... Fox was netted by cruel hunters and beaten to death with an iron bar.


Now, I know that's bollocks as I know the person who shot the fox. The point being, there was no gun displayed in the photo, so it can be taken off a site and a story spun around it to fit in with other peoples perverse view on hunting.


These same people encourage others, through their own social networks, their own lives work places colleges etc. to visit THEIR sites where they feed them misinformation such as that.


And now, for them to be GIFTED photos of quarry being illegally taken, well that's just handing them the entire war on a plate isn't it?


It's not just dog lads who need to be careful, we all do :yes:

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I was lucky enough to attend a talk night by the North Wales WTLC last night, the speaker was a Veterinarian and hunting Lawyer.

Throughout his very informative talk on all aspects of hunting and the hunting act, he could not emphasize enough the 'dangers' of photography and film both to the individual and to hunting in general.

He has delt with so many cases where the prosection has used seemingly 'harmless' photos (two lurchers marking a hole....."Marking badgers to be dug"!!) to try and convict...... Talk about a wake-up call. :icon_eek:

Though lets face it, its nothing we already don't know!! Throughout his talk I could only think about this forum, all to easy on here to assume your in like minded company and get caught up in a moment when posting. God only knows what will be done with some of the photos posted.


My thanks to the NWWTLC for a good evening in their company. :signthankspin:

this is a point im trying to make where are these pics being used and what proof do they show.and what conviction rate are the courts finding because of pics .i would think none .and joe public see pic of bull fighting ect but they are not up in arms about it or any other sick things like killing baby seals .the only people taking notice are the groups like the antis .and we are the only group of people that are realy taking notice of whats on this forum .exept for some posible antis.im not saying put up pics of what you want im saying every body is geting paranoid,and befor long only PM,s will be sent.so lighten up a bit .after all pedeophiles are not convicted of sex with kids because they got pics on their computers they are convicted of posesing illeagle pics .or downloading pics .and at the moment pics of shooting and hunting is not in this catagory but if we start hiding them it might change things around .


I'm certainly not paraniod but the last thing I would want is to have a photo or worse still, a film of something I've done, (legally) used in a court of law (mostley by the RSPCA) against a fellow hunter to try and gain a conviction. That would look well for some youngser without decent representation.

We as hunters can interperate our own material but joe public will always see it in a different light, especially when rags like The News of The World (who have and i'm sure will again) run a nice little centerfold on us, that will never do us any favours.


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Guest dog on
this forum is new to me .how long has it been runing and how many ileagal pics have been posted and how many of these pics have been used on banners and posters .is it happening or are we waiting for it to happen .because if we are waiting for it to happen .then for the sake of hunting and field sports we should not have sites for the antis to get amunision from should we


I'm only a mod since February this year Dog on so I wouldn't have those details. Off the top of my head, I have had to moderate five people this week, who were involved in posting two illegal photographs. Going back to February then the number is in double figures for me only.


I do know that a photo was taken from another site I'm a member on. It was of a fox who had been head shot with a .243 I think. It turned up on an anti hunting site and the story went roughly like this... Fox was netted by cruel hunters and beaten to death with an iron bar.


Now, I know that's bollocks as I know the person who shot the fox. The point being, there was no gun displayed in the photo, so it can be taken off a site and a story spun around it to fit in with other peoples perverse view on hunting.


These same people encourage others, through their own social networks, their own lives work places colleges etc. to visit THEIR sites where they feed them misinformation such as that.


And now, for them to be GIFTED photos of quarry being illegally taken, well that's just handing them the entire war on a plate isn't it?


It's not just dog lads who need to be careful, we all do :yes:

i under stand what your saying but this is not being done on a daily basis .and if some one wants to do that sort of thing you wont stop them .but if it is seen more and more people loose interest and it becomes old news .and you cant stop the likes of antis encouragening others around to the way they think but you can encourage others to see our point of view by letting them see what we do and when questiond about it explain why and for what reason we do it then let them make their own minds up .i know its been said befor but it is realy the only way forward .show pics to your friends and family that dont hunt and shoot and explain you do it for food money and controle because the truth is they realy dont know why we do it do they
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Guest dog on
I was lucky enough to attend a talk night by the North Wales WTLC last night, the speaker was a Veterinarian and hunting Lawyer.

Throughout his very informative talk on all aspects of hunting and the hunting act, he could not emphasize enough the 'dangers' of photography and film both to the individual and to hunting in general.

He has delt with so many cases where the prosection has used seemingly 'harmless' photos (two lurchers marking a hole....."Marking badgers to be dug"!!) to try and convict...... Talk about a wake-up call. :icon_eek:

Though lets face it, its nothing we already don't know!! Throughout his talk I could only think about this forum, all to easy on here to assume your in like minded company and get caught up in a moment when posting. God only knows what will be done with some of the photos posted.


My thanks to the NWWTLC for a good evening in their company. :signthankspin:

this is a point im trying to make where are these pics being used and what proof do they show.and what conviction rate are the courts finding because of pics .i would think none .and joe public see pic of bull fighting ect but they are not up in arms about it or any other sick things like killing baby seals .the only people taking notice are the groups like the antis .and we are the only group of people that are realy taking notice of whats on this forum .exept for some posible antis.im not saying put up pics of what you want im saying every body is geting paranoid,and befor long only PM,s will be sent.so lighten up a bit .after all pedeophiles are not convicted of sex with kids because they got pics on their computers they are convicted of posesing illeagle pics .or downloading pics .and at the moment pics of shooting and hunting is not in this catagory but if we start hiding them it might change things around .


I'm certainly not paraniod but the last thing I would want is to have a photo or worse still, a film of something I've done, (legally) used in a court of law (mostley by the RSPCA) against a fellow hunter to try and gain a conviction. That would look well for some youngser without decent representation.

We as hunters can interperate our own material but joe public will always see it in a different light, especially when rags like The News of The World (who have and i'm sure will again) run a nice little centerfold on us, that will never do us any favours.


what you are saying would not stand up in court any way it is not proof that a certain person was involved unles he appears on pic or film or proved to be there at the time.and can you tell me what was in the head lines of the news of the world 6 weeks ago
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agent provocateurs! Well very recently I started a thread about an individual who basically was duping the forum members, their was/is many facts, although I wouldnt say IMO the motive was anti hunt. Now just as I expected the 'crowd pleasers' came on shouting ' WHO CARES ', but what amazed me was the PM's from people who agreed and said they thought the same, and how they had told the site staff.


I Delete most posts I type on this forum before I hit the add reply button, should probably have done the same with this, but oh well fcuk it.

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[i'm certainly not paraniod but the last thing I would want is to have a photo or worse still, a film of something I've done, (legally) used in a court of law (mostley by the RSPCA) against a fellow hunter to try and gain a conviction. That would look well for some youngser without decent representation.

We as hunters can interperate our own material but joe public will always see it in a different light, especially when rags like The News of The World (who have and i'm sure will again) run a nice little centerfold on us, that will never do us any favours. :victory:


It may not stand up to cross examination, & a judge may ask the jury to dismiss the evidence; and they might, or might not. But mud sticks.

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Guest dog on
I was lucky enough to attend a talk night by the North Wales WTLC last night, the speaker was a Veterinarian and hunting Lawyer.

Throughout his very informative talk on all aspects of hunting and the hunting act, he could not emphasize enough the 'dangers' of photography and film both to the individual and to hunting in general.

He has delt with so many cases where the prosection has used seemingly 'harmless' photos (two lurchers marking a hole....."Marking badgers to be dug"!!) to try and convict...... Talk about a wake-up call. :icon_eek:

Though lets face it, its nothing we already don't know!! Throughout his talk I could only think about this forum, all to easy on here to assume your in like minded company and get caught up in a moment when posting. God only knows what will be done with some of the photos posted.


My thanks to the NWWTLC for a good evening in their company. :signthankspin:

this is a point im trying to make where are these pics being used and what proof do they show.and what conviction rate are the courts finding because of pics .i would think none .and joe public see pic of bull fighting ect but they are not up in arms about it or any other sick things like killing baby seals .the only people taking notice are the groups like the antis .and we are the only group of people that are realy taking notice of whats on this forum .exept for some posible antis.im not saying put up pics of what you want im saying every body is geting paranoid,and befor long only PM,s will be sent.so lighten up a bit .after all pedeophiles are not convicted of sex with kids because they got pics on their computers they are convicted of posesing illeagle pics .or downloading pics .and at the moment pics of shooting and hunting is not in this catagory but if we start hiding them it might change things around .


I'm certainly not paraniod but the last thing I would want is to have a photo or worse still, a film of something I've done, (legally) used in a court of law (mostley by the RSPCA) against a fellow hunter to try and gain a conviction. That would look well for some youngser without decent representation.

We as hunters can interperate our own material but joe public will always see it in a different light, especially when rags like The News of The World (who have and i'm sure will again) run a nice little centerfold on us, that will never do us any favours.


what you are saying would not stand up in court any way it is not proof that a certain person was involved unles he appears on pic or film or proved to be there at the time.and can you tell me what was in the head lines of the news of the world 6 weeks ago


It may not stand up to cross examination, & a judge may ask the jury to dismiss the evidence; and they might, or might not. But mud sticks.

exactly it is all might be .but it will become definitly if it is keept hiden .have your thread back
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