Waz 4,274 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Traditionally, an agent provocateur (plural: agents provocateurs, French for "inciting agent") is a person employed by the police or other law enforcement body to act undercover and entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act. More generally, the term may refer to person or group who provokes another to perform a wrong or rash action, the deliberate purpose being to incite wider conflict or harm. Makes you wonder..... You must of been reading the same threads as me then. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jasper65 6 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 What gets me is why the Mods take the backlash for removing posts that could jeopidise the forum. I'm 100% all for freedom of speech on every angle but some pic's I have seen deleted lately are Insane and draws attention to our sport thats otherwise already under scrutiny. This Forum is now getting on to 10,000 members and riseing! it would be foolish to beleive that everything we post is safe behind these boards, for a start its obviouse that the site is Monitored by certain Govenment employees and I'm also sure there are Anti's in our Midsts working the site under cover in stealth mode, perhaps its time we sent in some undercover agents to Infiltrate some of their Forums ..... Peace and Harmony Comrades .... Jasper Quote Link to post Share on other sites
swanseajack 228 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Traditionally, an agent provocateur (plural: agents provocateurs, French for "inciting agent") is a person employed by the police or other law enforcement body to act undercover and entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act. More generally, the term may refer to person or group who provokes another to perform a wrong or rash action, the deliberate purpose being to incite wider conflict or harm. Makes you wonder..... It really does make me wonder..... topics such as show us pics of your terriers after this seasons work, what quarry have you run pre-ban of course, drawing dogs, look at my terriers chin a big fox had him... either naive to the fact or as you say provoking or inciting the ego cyber hunting lot to get on their soap boxes... We are being monitored by who knows... maybe a National newspaper is collecting all the lovely pics that have been posted.. get them all on a four pager, that will make the nation wake up.... yeah keep saying f**k the antis, it's gonna bite us on the arse.... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mole catcher 1 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Now folks get your fire brands ready and lets get this witch hunt on the move, sadly you may all be heading my way for what im about to say.... I shoot as well as run lurchers as well as other things so im not against anyones sport. BUT, what is realy pissing me off most at this time in our sporting history is the fact that it will be us hunters actions that will see the end of our way of life and more so shooting. HOW/ i hear you ask. Take a look on this site and i will boldly suggest there are more than a few posts that say the following as well as boasting a pic to prove a point. they go something like this. '' Heres a pic of 3 foxes that my lurcher retrieved after I shot and wounded them last night (nudge nudge wink wink know what i mean)'' this would then have a nice pic of a lurcher along side 3 (just a figure plucked out of thin air for the purpose of this post) foxes. NOW AS I SHOOTER IM BLOODY ANNOYED THAT THESE POSTS ARE CLEARLY SAYING IM A CRAP SHOT WITH MY GUN SO I NEED A LURCHER TO RETRIEVE THEM ONCE WOUNDED. ALL THESE TYPES OF POST ARE DOING IS GIVING THE AGENT PROVOCATEURS AMMO AND IMAGES TO USE AGAINST SHOOTIN AS A HUMANE WAY OF PEST CONTROL. NOW AS A LURCHERMAN I UNDERSTAND THE WAY THE LAWS EFFECT OUR SPORT BUT AS A SHOOTER I FEEL THESE POSTS ARE DOING NOTHING TO PROMOTE ANOTHER SPORT. CANT THOSE THAT POST THESE THREADS AND IMAGES SEE THAT IT IS THOSE THAT ARE GIVING THE ANTIS ALL THEY NEED AND HIDING BEHIND THE PRE BAN MATE AND WOUNDED SO I SENT MY DOG TO RETRIEVE IT SHITE WONT STOP A CONVITION ASWEL AS FURTHEWR BANS? so i think it is about time WE ALL WISED UP and think about our actions and posts before its to late. I also think its about time the mods and those running this site got a grip of the rot before a conviction is gained through this site. and we as members should help them buy not having a go at the mods for trying to protect the integerty of this site. NOW BRING ON THE LYNCH MOB :db: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
anton 0 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Now folks get your fire brands ready and lets get this witch hunt on the move, sadly you may all be heading my way for what im about to say.... I shoot as well as run lurchers as well as other things so im not against anyones sport. BUT, what is realy pissing me off most at this time in our sporting history is the fact that it will be us hunters actions that will see the end of our way of life and more so shooting. HOW/ i hear you ask. Take a look on this site and i will boldly suggest there are more than a few posts that say the following as well as boasting a pic to prove a point. they go something like this. '' Heres a pic of 3 foxes that my lurcher retrieved after I shot and wounded them last night (nudge nudge wink wink know what i mean)'' this would then have a nice pic of a lurcher along side 3 (just a figure plucked out of thin air for the purpose of this post) foxes. NOW AS I SHOOTER IM BLOODY ANNOYED THAT THESE POSTS ARE CLEARLY SAYING IM A CRAP SHOT WITH MY GUN SO I NEED A LURCHER TO RETRIEVE THEM ONCE WOUNDED. ALL THESE TYPES OF POST ARE DOING IS GIVING THE AGENT PROVOCATEURS AMMO AND IMAGES TO USE AGAINST SHOOTIN AS A HUMANE WAY OF PEST CONTROL. NOW AS A LURCHERMAN I UNDERSTAND THE WAY THE LAWS EFFECT OUR SPORT BUT AS A SHOOTER I FEEL THESE POSTS ARE DOING NOTHING TO PROMOTE ANOTHER SPORT. CANT THOSE THAT POST THESE THREADS AND IMAGES SEE THAT IT IS THOSE THAT ARE GIVING THE ANTIS ALL THEY NEED AND HIDING BEHIND THE PRE BAN MATE AND WOUNDED SO I SENT MY DOG TO RETRIEVE IT SHITE WONT STOP A CONVITION ASWEL AS FURTHEWR BANS? so i think it is about time WE ALL WISED UP and think about our actions and posts before its to late. I also think its about time the mods and those running this site got a grip of the rot before a conviction is gained through this site. and we as members should help them buy not having a go at the mods for trying to protect the integerty of this site. NOW BRING ON THE LYNCH MOB :db: HEAR, HEAR....... :clapping: well put mole catcher, i thought i was the only one that had twigged this things are bad enough as it is what with anti-hunt protesters, RSPCA etc on the ground as it were let alone on the internet / forums cheers anton Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ripstop Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 (edited) ' Edited April 16, 2008 by ripstop Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stone-cold 0 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 gotta agree with all the above,you dont know who the hell your communicating with,very good wake up call Quote Link to post Share on other sites
J Darcy 5,871 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Maybe people should think before they add drivel like this: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...t=0&start=0 good hunting..... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ripstop Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 (edited) ' Edited April 16, 2008 by ripstop Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mole catcher 1 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 (edited) those of us who go about shouting F**K THE BAN would be wise to take a leaf out of the horse mounted fox hunters book. do we hear them shouting from the rooftops anymore? NO Why? Because they have been hit by a ban that in 9 out of 10 cases hasnt effected they way they hunt at all, so while it is quiet and there way of life is not in the media or on the minds of the antis they are free to do as they wish regarding there hunting. Add to this the antis have failed to secure any signifcant convictions towards these hunters they have now set their sights on other aspects of hunting, namely those that give them a better chance of obtaining a convition. So with this in mind is it any wonder that now there way of life is as it was before the ban so to speak they are not willing to join other aspects of hunting in defending the cause? to prove my point, why have all the associations that are there to protect fox hunting not planing any high profile demos or media campaigns? simple Ignorance is bliss, well to a lesser degree anyway. Raise your head above the parrapit and someone will take a shot at it, antoganise them and they bring out the seige guns to blow you and your parrapit away. It is worth bearing in mind not all folk who come on to a site such as this fall into either 'HUNTER' or 'ANTI' as im sure many of those that sit on the fence so to speak will use a site such as this to further educate themselves to which way they choose to go, anti or hunter? And we must realise that our best form of defending our way of life is to educate folk, not allianate them with graphic pictures and bad tempered bullyboy tactics as that is sure to fail. This is where sportsman are fighting on two frontes, were fighting the antis as well as ourselves. The antis on the other hand are joined together in fighting for a common goal, to ban hunting full stop, they dont care if its terrier work, lurcher work, shooting or fishing. they want it all banned. Hell, there even in our schools teaching our kids the wronges of hunting and even telling them its wrong to eat meat, how do i know this? I have a 11 year old son who now wont eat meat and views me as some what of a freak for killing animals because his english teacher has told him its wrong to do so. When will the hunting world realise were not dealing with the spotty collage students with a need to follow their siblings, were dealing with very wealthy organised parties run by people with the power to get things done, lawers, soliciters,doctors and very clued up businessmen. They must view us as a total bunch of pricks who are letting our own egos and our own narrow mindedness blind us to the dangers of our own actions. sorry for the rant but after reading what was said on that thread link by J Darcy is it any wonder were all going down the gurgler? Edited April 16, 2008 by mole catcher Quote Link to post Share on other sites
J Darcy 5,871 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 My suggestion to those not happy with our editing should go and start their own website, then they can post what ever pics they like. Then see what happens. To all those that know the score the Mods would like to thank you for your vigilance and speed at reporting posts of a negative nature. Good Hunting JD Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JohnGalway Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 To all those that know the score the Mods would like to thank you for your vigilance and speed at reporting posts of a negative nature. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gardener 0 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 It is worth bearing in mind not all folk who come on to a site such as this fall into either 'HUNTER' or 'ANTI' as im sure many of those that sit on the fence so to speak will use a site such as this to further educate themselves to which way they choose to go, anti or hunter? Yes. I'd be one of those 'fence-sitters' and thats the reason I joined, to get a better idea of the pro/anti argument....... There are plenty go out round here with guns and dogs, most of them are sound, but some are twats like the eejits who were firing shots across the garden where I lived when my kids were growing up........ And we must realise that our best form of defending our way of life is to educate folk, not allianate them with graphic pictures and bad tempered bullyboy tactics as that is sure to fail. Yes. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JohnGalway Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 but some are twats like the eejits who were firing shots across the garden where I lived when my kids were growing up........ No call in the world for them to do things like that Gardener. It's dangerous and makes life a lot harder for folks who try to do things the right way Quote Link to post Share on other sites
para1 11 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Now folks get your fire brands ready and lets get this witch hunt on the move, sadly you may all be heading my way for what im about to say.... I shoot as well as run lurchers as well as other things so im not against anyones sport. BUT, what is realy pissing me off most at this time in our sporting history is the fact that it will be us hunters actions that will see the end of our way of life and more so shooting. HOW/ i hear you ask. Take a look on this site and i will boldly suggest there are more than a few posts that say the following as well as boasting a pic to prove a point. they go something like this. '' Heres a pic of 3 foxes that my lurcher retrieved after I shot and wounded them last night (nudge nudge wink wink know what i mean)'' this would then have a nice pic of a lurcher along side 3 (just a figure plucked out of thin air for the purpose of this post) foxes. NOW AS I SHOOTER IM BLOODY ANNOYED THAT THESE POSTS ARE CLEARLY SAYING IM A CRAP SHOT WITH MY GUN SO I NEED A LURCHER TO RETRIEVE THEM ONCE WOUNDED. ALL THESE TYPES OF POST ARE DOING IS GIVING THE AGENT PROVOCATEURS AMMO AND IMAGES TO USE AGAINST SHOOTIN AS A HUMANE WAY OF PEST CONTROL. NOW AS A LURCHERMAN I UNDERSTAND THE WAY THE LAWS EFFECT OUR SPORT BUT AS A SHOOTER I FEEL THESE POSTS ARE DOING NOTHING TO PROMOTE ANOTHER SPORT. CANT THOSE THAT POST THESE THREADS AND IMAGES SEE THAT IT IS THOSE THAT ARE GIVING THE ANTIS ALL THEY NEED AND HIDING BEHIND THE PRE BAN MATE AND WOUNDED SO I SENT MY DOG TO RETRIEVE IT SHITE WONT STOP A CONVITION ASWEL AS FURTHEWR BANS? so i think it is about time WE ALL WISED UP and think about our actions and posts before its to late. I also think its about time the mods and those running this site got a grip of the rot before a conviction is gained through this site. and we as members should help them buy not having a go at the mods for trying to protect the integerty of this site. NOW BRING ON THE LYNCH MOB :db: HEAR, HEAR....... :clapping: well put mole catcher, i thought i was the only one that had twigged this things are bad enough as it is what with anti-hunt protesters, RSPCA etc on the ground as it were let alone on the internet / forums cheers anton :clapper: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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