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out for a drive today so i put the .243 in the jeep got a nice shot at this greycrow at about 150yrds .243 i know but

could not resist :whistling: bad photo only had the phone must start making more time at these fecker

cheers sounder



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

150 yards? I should be so lucky to get that close to the b*stards these days!


Walking along the road today, saw one 200 yards down in the basin. I always carry the rifle broken and barrel backwards when on the road. But I automatically brought it round, intending to 'scope the b*stard lest I thought I might go down after him.


Second that f*cking barrel swung past the hedge top? Off he went! 200 more yards!!! :wallbash:


F*cking despise them being on my ground! (But I later found out where This pair live too! I'll be after their children :gunsmilie:)

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150 yards? I should be so lucky to get that close to the b*stards these days!


Walking along the road today, saw one 200 yards down in the basin. I always carry the rifle broken and barrel backwards when on the road. But I automatically brought it round, intending to 'scope the b*stard lest I thought I might go down after him.


Second that f*cking barrel swung past the hedge top? Off he went! 200 more yards!!! :wallbash:


F*cking despise them being on my ground! (But I later found out where This pair live too! I'll be after their children :gunsmilie: )

you have no luck with them ditch i was just lucky cheers sounder
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No better feeling than that split second between pulling the trigger and a grey falling with a thud to the ground. I prefer to get into a good roost on a windy night than sniping them with a rifle. Best shot I ever made was a grey at 30 yards with a .410 in a strong wind. I was more shocked than he was :icon_eek:

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