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A bit of a story & a question

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A while back i bought a rat/squirell cage trap. As soon as i got it i went to a place that i know holds hundrends of rats thinking i should catch one fairly easily, but after a few weeks of it being set i had nothing :icon_redface:

I went down one day to check it and it'd gone, a bloke came over and told us to f**k off or i'll ring the police so i said no some twats stole my trap and he laughed :censored:

Anyway after some kind exchanged words i headed home pissed off as you can hopefully understand.

I went down there tonight for a looksee with the dog as she can normally get a rat down there and i came across my trap :D in the exact same place but with new bait wrapped in a clingfilm bag.

Ive also seen this same bait in little green trays scattered about the place but not in clingfilm.

I think the proffesionalls have been in ?

What do you think ? And whats this bait ?

I think i might go down there and Take their bait and leave a note saying 'You f****d With My Stuff So Ive f****d With Yours' :laugh:







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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:hmm: I don't personally recognise that bait, Butch. I'm sure one of the lads on here will, but I don't. I'm wondering if it may be a 'Blank' Bait? Unpoisoned stuff, used just like the real deal, but it's safe to leave hanging about till ye find it's being taken by rats. Then ye replace if with identical, but " Active " bait. But that should look identical to the untreated stuff, only be coloured. Haven't a clue, sorry. " Endorats "?


Plastic coating's to keep the elements and molluscs of it. Again; No point in putting poison in a trap, is there?


Anyway, main thing is ye'd better let this prove a lesson to ye: I'm guessing ye have no permission to be on that property, in pursuit of rats? That's illegal. You're " Hunting rats with a Dog " and that could - incredulous as it seems - turn very nasty.


Stear clear and find somewhere else to set ye trap. Cover it, both to hide it from prying eyes and to protect ye catch. Black bin bag and bit of old cardboard box should do the trick. Wild bird seed in a small, shallow tin is good for rural and garden rats. Meat fat is good for urban ones. But take from ye experience, eh? ;)

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Hi D S, not far off the name/product it looks like ERADIBAIT , 100% poison free ! and made from natural products ???? how the hell it is supposed to kill the Rats is beyond me!! , apparently it,s approved by the Barn Owl Trust, for which I can under~stand to stop secondary poisoning, hope this has thrown some light on the matter, Steve

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  fireman said:
Looks like the pellets they feed pigs with,well done for getting your trap back but take heed from your run in mate.

I agree they look like cattle or pig feed pellets..........not rodenticide.........!



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Hi Fireman & Rolfe , sorry to disagree with both of you I have come across this product several times when doing customers house,s etc when they have attempted to sort the problem out thier self , the give away was the green plastic trays of which they supply ! best regards Steve

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

" Eradibait ", eh? Cheers for that one, Steve. I too have nothing to do with these ..... well; What the hell can ye call them? 'Non Poisonous Killers'? I suspect " Endorats " is another one of them. I've seen it in the stores but, apart from being happy with what I use as it is, I'm sure I heard it was another of these sylica or what ever witchcraft shit based " Nice " Baits. (Wasn't Squill perfectly harmless to other creatures too? :hmm:)


Next time I'm in town, time and memory permitting, I'll have a look at the Endo' tub and see what's in that. Be interesting to know what's in Eradi' too


When are people just going to learn to leave rat control to people who are qualified to do it, and trust them to choose what they'll use and to use it correctly? I guess never; As long as " Pro's " are selling kit on the Bay and companies are pushing " Safe Killers " like this.


Telling Joe Public there's anything he can 'safely' do about rats is, to me, both Dangerous and stupid. Because 'Joe' is, by and large, stupid. First sign is when they think they can do a professional tradesmans work just as well as him :no:

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Cheers for the response everybody :D

I sure will learn from this and will set it elsewhere :)

I didnt think it was poison because whats the point in putting poison in a trap? And dogs are always walked of the lead here so poison wouldnt be such a good idea.


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Guest dog on

the way i see it he had no reason to give you your trap back it looks like he is trying to help you out by giving you the right bait to put in the trap .and at the same time asking you not to come back .if it was me i would not set the trap there again i think you wont get it back next time .take note

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  stephen58 said:
Hi D S, not far off the name/product it looks like ERADIBAIT , 100% poison free ! and made from natural products ???? how the hell it is supposed to kill the Rats is beyond me!! , apparently it,s approved by the Barn Owl Trust, for which I can under~stand to stop secondary poisoning, hope this has thrown some light on the matter, Steve



Bang on with your observation I have come accross this stuff to DIY baiting :wallbash:

No good at all I was called out the place was sniving with rats,supose to bloat them up prevent them from eating

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Eradirat is the same as Eradimouse only in a larger format, they are produced from dessicated maize husk mixed with mollases, the product is supposed to stop rodents capability to take on moisture, thereby killing them by dehydration.

When it first came out i gave them both a good trial as it sounded a great alternative if customers wanted it.

Unfortunatly the rats and mice were not as taken with the sales hype and chose to eat anything bar this product.


Regards MT.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Yeah, just checked out " Endorats "; It's a Bromadialone bait, produced here in Eire.


I think I was mixing it up, in my head, with some cellulose based formulation I'd heard of? Or would that indeed be " Eradirat " :unsure:

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