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Anyone ever seen anything like this?

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This is the third of these 'turns' that he has had, the first 2 lasted between 2-3mins and this last one lasted just over 8mins..he is fully aware during the turn and has no flickering eye movements. All is muscles are rigid and he is burning hot to the touch, the hair on his back shoots up and down and his back is arched with his tail stuck right down. His head sways from side to side. He doesnt appear to be in any pain, he just seems a little confused.


General concensus seems to be that it may be SPIKES/CECS...commonly seen in Borders. Anyone else ever had a dog that does anything like this?


The turns always happen at night..always when he is asleep. He has had three of these in just under 2y. The video has been sent to a veterinary neurologist at Glasgow.


Sorry its at an odd angle...i cant get it to turn around. :icon_redface:


Any thoughts?

Edited by redmoor
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This is the third of these 'turns' that he has had, the first 2 lasted between 2-3mins and this last one lasted just over 8mins..he is fully aware during the turn and has no flickering eye movements. All is muscles are rigid and he is burning hot to the touch, the hair on his back shoots up and down and his back is arched with his tail stuck right down. His head sways from side to side. He doesnt appear to be in any pain, he just seems a little confused.


General concensus seems to be that it may be SPIKES/CECS...commonly seen in Borders. Anyone else ever had a dog that does anything like this?


The turns always happen at night..always when he is asleep. He has had three of these in just under 2y. The video has been sent to a veterinary neurologist at Glasgow.


Sorry its at an odd angle...i cant get it to turn around. :icon_redface:


Any thoughts?

sounds like the little fellow could be having fits, i have borders never seen though.
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Guest dog on
No, his third eyelid doesnt show during an 'attack'.
im glad to hear that because i had a lurcher that did this at 5 years old and his third eye lid always showed it turned out to be a tumor on the brain i hope every thing turns out ok
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i had a terrier who had very much the same thing and the vet said he was having a fit but an old bloke who lived close to me said a dog he had when very young did the same and he was told it was like diabetese and was told to give the dog a sugar solution to drink or syring it into the mouth when it happened and he found that the dog came round a lot quicker i tried this with my dog and noticed there was a quicker reaction to coming out of it dont know if this will help but hope hes ok

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my terrier a parson russel cross has the same kind of fits exactley the same do you find after the fits he needs to empty himself (shit,piss,puke) we just live with the fits she can go months with out 1 and then can have 2 in a week (she had 1 tonight first since before xmas) we can tell when they are about to happen

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No, he returns to normal after all the twitching and odd movements stop..he then just goes back to sleep..or he wants a biscuit. This is the third odd turn in just short of 2y which seems to make sense when the vets say that they dont think it is anything too serious ie tumour/meningitis etc..otherwise it would happen on a much more regular basis and there would apparantly be other symptoms. He is coming up for 11y this year and still flies around after rabbits..he doesnt always catch them as he used to as a young dog, but he certainly gives it his best shot. He was an abuse case that came to us at (we think) just over a year old..the guy who had him battered him senseless, he still bears many of the scars that were inflicted upon him 10y on. :thumbdown: He is such a good dog, he has never given us any bother, he is sweet tempered and great to live with..his only hate is male Golden Retrievers!!

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Guest dog on
No, he returns to normal after all the twitching and odd movements stop..he then just goes back to sleep..or he wants a biscuit. This is the third odd turn in just short of 2y which seems to make sense when the vets say that they dont think it is anything too serious ie tumour/meningitis etc..otherwise it would happen on a much more regular basis and there would apparantly be other symptoms. He is coming up for 11y this year and still flies around after rabbits..he doesnt always catch them as he used to as a young dog, but he certainly gives it his best shot. He was an abuse case that came to us at (we think) just over a year old..the guy who had him battered him senseless, he still bears many of the scars that were inflicted upon him 10y on. :thumbdown: He is such a good dog, he has never given us any bother, he is sweet tempered and great to live with..his only hate is male Golden Retrievers!!
posibilty if he is only having them wilst he is sleep could be remembering his torment as a pup and waking in a type of terror fit.it happens to humans Edited by dog on
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No, he returns to normal after all the twitching and odd movements stop..he then just goes back to sleep..or he wants a biscuit. This is the third odd turn in just short of 2y which seems to make sense when the vets say that they dont think it is anything too serious ie tumour/meningitis etc..otherwise it would happen on a much more regular basis and there would apparantly be other symptoms. He is coming up for 11y this year and still flies around after rabbits..he doesnt always catch them as he used to as a young dog, but he certainly gives it his best shot. He was an abuse case that came to us at (we think) just over a year old..the guy who had him battered him senseless, he still bears many of the scars that were inflicted upon him 10y on. :thumbdown: He is such a good dog, he has never given us any bother, he is sweet tempered and great to live with..his only hate is male Golden Retrievers!!
posibilty if he is only having them wilst he is sleep could be remembering his torment as a pup and waking in a type of terror fit.it happens to humans

have you considered an epileptic fit? we have a BT and a DH that suffer this problem. sounds familiar!

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